the project

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Misaki didn't need three guesses to know who it was, that her best friend of three years had a crush on.

Een would immediately flush red when she saw Semi Eita at the cafeteria, she started doing research on Volleyball, and even started getting an interest in coloring her hair.

She thought Een's schoolgirl crush on Semi was the cutest thing on Earth.

It didn't seem easy for Misaki to help Een and Semi to get together, what with her being in her first-year while Semi was a third-year already.

But she was determined to help her friend, so when she found out that their classmate, Goshiki Tsutomu, was in the volleyball club as well, Misaki knew that this was a game changer.

"You want to set up Een and Semi-san?" Goshiki asks, excitement bubbling on his face.

Miski gives the bowl-cut boy a big nod.

"Will you help me?"

The two then exchanged high fives together, and named their mission as; The SemiEen project.


a/n; semipai, my baby een, i hope you will like this book!
i won't be able to update so much bc i have college, but i'll try as much as i can <3
i love you een, don't let what the haters say get to you. they are piece of shits that tsutomu and i will fite with. ;w;

the SemiEen project || Semi EitaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin