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The rain continued, droning on and on, staying just as consistent as it had been for the past week. Portland was a beautiful place filled with hundreds of thousands of people who all were vastly different. I only knew a couple of them, however.

Hi. I'm Robin Griffin, a junior at Golden Sierra High School. Although I have an enormous personality, I'm only just over five and a half feet tall. People, however, are not my thing and never have been. I'm what you'd call a social outcast, mostly thanks to my crippling social anxiety and PTSD.

PTSD? Oh, that's my post-traumatic stress disorder, which was sparked by my mother's death. November 22nd, 2018, my seventh birthday. Ten years ago today. I think that this never-ending rain is in honor of her passing. She always loved the smell of rain, just like me. The wet pavement outside is oddly a perfect background for my story.

No, don't go starting to apologize to me, I don't need your pity and sympathy. I'm here to talk to you. Now, where was I? Oh yeah, I'm Robin, blah blah blah blah blah. You know me, so let's get going.

I promise that you're in for a wild ride.

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