The Helpless

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~Kasumi's POV~

"This is goodbye for now my dear child" It was the last I heard of my mother's voice before waking up from my horrid nightmare to only realize that they weren't here.

Maybe this time they will be back today, mama told me to wait in our secret place for them to return and so I do everyday. My stomach growled once again, but this time it felt as if it were touching my spinal cord. I barely knew how to hunt I was only able to catch small animals such as rabbits because they couldn't fight back like all the other animals.

Why is it so cold? Why was I abandoned and left all alone? Why am I not allowed to go near anyone? What am I to do out here by myself? So many questions to be answered, but I'm pretty sure they had a good reason.

Mama and Papa left me alone with no direction on where I was supposed to be going. The only thing they left to me was my fathers Blood Shot Sword that he told me stories about and how his father passed it down to him, which he has now given to me. And the last thing that I cherish the most left by them was the necklace my mother always worn never to be taken off. Inside was the only image of them two that I could see apart from the memories I have of them.

By now what were crystals of pain that fell one by one down a face that used to be full of joy, now frozen onto my soft pale skin or either took the form of sickles at the end of my jawline.

"Mama!" I tried calling for her, but no answer.

I tripped over a log as I came face to face with a tall young man with black hair and purple eyes dressed in a nice uniform. He was also accompanied by two females dressed just like him. It wasn't until then I also noticed a younger boy hugging onto the young male tightly.

Pushing myself onto my feet running away both the females quickly came after me jumping onto me, pinning me down, and seizing my fathers Sword out of my hands.

"Gurren what is this thing?" The girls unsheathed their weapons pointing them at me.

"Give me the word Lt. Colonel and I'll slay it" She said bluntly ready to strike me down, but for why I do not know. The boy looked at me shocked, but determined as he picked up a stick running towards me hitting me in the head.

Without thinking I kicked him in his chest sending him backwards from where he started. When I realized what I did my ears pinned down to the side of my head followed by a small whimper that escaped my lips.

"Give it back" I cried out to the lady holding my fathers sword, but I was in part wolf form, so to them I look like a small person with ears and a tail, my eyes were possibly a different color as well. I was still too young to know how to control the powers I have.

Too overwhelming for my small little body I passed out where I stood not knowing of what is to come next as to now I've been exposed.

~Gurren POV~

Two guards from my team and I were out searching for the prophecy, but just my luck when we spotted him looking helplessly out in this harsh weather.

"Good he's here, The prophecy was right when they said we would come in contact with one of the test subjects from Hayakuya labs" Pulling my hood back off of my head I continued to question the boy.

"Hey kid, How would you like to help us get rid of the vampires once and for all?" He started crying then took a few steps towards me as I was caught off guard he shocked me by wrapping his arms around my waist causing me to fall back into the snow.

"I'll do whatever it takes...." He started to say his voice crackling from all the crying he was doing. "As long as I get to kill every last one of them" This boy was so determined to kill at a young age already I wondered what got him so worked up about killing them all. Just as we were about to get him on his feet I had seen a small girl just about the same age as the boy calling for her parents, but it was just that moment she tripped over a log she didn't seem to be paying attention to causing her to fall into the snow watching as she stared deeply at us as if she were in a trans.

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