Next one to congratulate me is Imogen. She doesn't hug me, which I'm not surprised about because she isn't the hugging type like Saskia. "Congratulations," she says. "You two did amazing and I'm positive you'll win the money."

"Thank you both," I reply. "This means a lot to me, you have no idea."

"No problem," Saskia grins. "If you two end up winning we totally have to celebrate by throwing a massive party!" She shrieks, jumping up and down.

Both Rosen and me look taken aback.

"I don't think we need to do that," Rosen chuckles. "You know that Haze and I aren't really the party types."

Saskia pouts, "You two are no fun."


Rosen and me ended up winning the talent show. I was honestly really surprised and it still hasn't hit me yet after like five hours. We got a cheque for the money and immediately donated it to cancer research like Rosen wanted. After that, Rosen went to the hospital to visit Faith while I went home as Serenity has been messaging me non-stop. Apparently she has something important to say to me about Luke and I need to hear it asap.

That will also give me the perfect opportunity to talk to her about Rosen and mine's little date as she doesn't know anything about it. That's mainly because I haven't had time to call her or message her about it. We have been drifting apart lately but that's all because of school. If it weren't for school, I'd force her to come visit me here and spend like three months with me but that's impossible in our current situation.

Setting up my laptop on my desk, I change into a pair of sweatpants and a cosy sweater before sitting down and opening Skype. The second I log in, I see Serenity calling me already. After I press the 'accept' button, her bright face comes into view, making me all happy.

"Hazel, hello!" she greets me as she stuffs her face with chips.

"Hello to you too," I reply, chuckling. "What was so urgent that you needed to Skype?"

"So, I've been having a rough time," Serenity says. "You know how I'm with Luke, right?"

I nod my head.

"Well I've been thinking about breaking up with him," she whispers.

I furrow my eyebrows. She was so excited to go on a date with him and start a relationship with him and now she just wants to break up with him. They've been together for like a few months, I seriously don't understand where this change in behavior came from.

"And why?" I ask. "Did he cheat on you or something?"

"No, I have feelings for someone else," she admits, a blush appearing on her face, coloring her usually pale face with red blotches. "I've been talking with this guy for a while now and he's so sweet and wonderful. I've been even reconsidering my college choices just to be closer to him."

By now, I'm totally confused. It has been Serenity's dream since forever to go to Stanford and now she wants to throw all of that aside just for a guy.

"I-I don't understand," I mutter. "Are you seriously saying that you want to ditch Stanford for a guy?"

"He's not just a guy," Serenity says. "He's the one. I'm convinced he is."

"And who is this mystery guy? Who's the idiot that made you change your mind?"

Serenity lowers her head, a sign that she's embarrassed. "Don't be mad at me," she whispers. "But it's Sven." She admits, making my eyes almost pop out of their sockets.

"You're crushing on Sven?" I ask, my voice raising. "Since when are you two friends?"

Serenity starts picking on the skin around her finger nails. "Since I visited you in Walden. We kept in touch and I started to develop feelings for him. So I want to go to NYU to be with him. I already applied there and now it's all a matter of getting in. It's just as good of a school as Stanford."

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