* * *

"You're not thinking of getting onto one of those ships, are you?" said Endrick.

Skylar's eyes remained fixed on the encampment and landing field. This sprawling hive of enemy forces looked ready to swarm at any moment. He half expected shuttles to start launching off into the sky that instant.

"Of course I am," replied Skylar. "How else are we going to get back to Ahlderon? Those are the only ships with clearance to leave this accursed planet."

There was a creak of metal behind them. He looked to find Grüny and Kendyl making their way up the stairs.

"What are you two plotting up here?" asked Grüny, huffing from his short climb.

"Skylar has a brilliant plan," said Endrick. "So brilliant that no rational, clear-headed person would ever think of it."

Grüny folded his arms and looked at Skylar expectantly.

"Look out those windows," he said.

Both Grüny and Kendyl moved over to the windows and peered out. Grüny's response was instantaneous.

"Have you lost your mind!" he exclaimed. "Er...begging your pardon, Your Majesty, but there's no way we can highjack one of those ships. Do you see how many soldiers are down there? They're not gonna let you get close to a ship. You'd have better luck trying to grow wings and flying out of here on your own."

"I don't plan on us walking up to them," replied Skylar.

"Glad to hear it," said Endrick. "I'm getting tired of walking. I suppose the soldiers will just carry us on, then?"


* * *

Skylar nodded his head and handed the to Endrick. With an expression of doubt, Endrick took the spy lens and brought it to eye.

"It's just as I planned," said Skylar.

Endrick grunted, still watching through the lens.

For the past two days, Skylar and Endrick had spent nearly every waking moment spying on the gates. They watched the incoming and outgoing traffic to the landing field. They recorded the precise time for each change of guard. They noted the cargo and war machines hauled in. Most importantly, they learned who supplied the food.

Every cart, crate, or barrel brought through those gates received a thorough inspection. They wouldn't be able to sneak in by stuffing themselves inside boxes. Not that Skylar would ever wish to do that again. The memory of when the smugglers packed them away like that was still a fresh wound in his mind. They needed another method for getting through the gates, past the scrutiny of the guards. And this man they now watched, with his cart loaded with food, might be the key.

From the look of the man, he was non-military. This was good. They needed someone with fewer conflicts of interest. The look of the man's pudgy face also gave Skylar greater assurance of their plan. He looked like a greedy man. A trait that, for once, they could leverage in their favor.

Endrick handed the spy lens back to Skylar and grunted again.

"You and I both know it's our only chance," said Skylar.

Endrick grunted.

Skylar looked through the spy lens and waited.

Sometime later, the food supply man rumbled back through the gates in his cart, leaving the landing field. Skylar lowered the spy lens, stuffed it into a pocket of his cloak, and stepped back from the window.

Gorgoroth (Haladras #2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ