Chapter two

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Hey guys!

A few things...

Tide is 16

Father: Poseidon

But all the gods treat her like they're own child.

She's never been to the mortal world but has modern things. And only knows the gods and people on Olympus and the hunters of Artemis.

- may the odds be ever in your favor


A few things you should know about me, I'm tall as in 5'8" I have long hair that reaches 2 inches above my belly button. My hair is dark and wavy, like I just got of a walk on a beach. (No pun intended) my eyes a naturally green but because the gods blessed me I have red for ares, gold for apollo, pink for Aphrodite, grey for Athena, silver for Artemis and black for hades mixed in because those seem to be my strongest blessings.

Back to my idea

I just had a few more details to add to this master plan, I closed my eyes and snapped my fingers. The whupy cushion was now invisible.

"Nice kiddo!" Hermes beamed his eyes twinkling.

I had been pranking the gods for two hours now with Hermes.

"So. Who's the lucky god?" Hermes wiggled his eyebrows.

"No one..." I look down and feel my face heat up.

"I wasn't actually expecting someone?!!" Hermes looked taken aback.

"It's nothing." I say smiling.

"I'll find out...I always find out." Hermes said smirking at me.

"That's not creepy." I say sarcastically

"I am the king of pranks." Hermes said.

We walked past a giant pear growing in aunt Demeter's garden."

"Look Hermes that pear is almost as big as your freakin ego!" I say laughing brightly.

"You are your fathers girl" Hermes mumbled.

"Let's get back to our evil schemes."

--15 minutes later--

We had set a flower that shoots water by Demeter's throne so she'd blame it on Poseidon. A sticky owl feather on my dads seat to get mad at Athena. A 'I love boys' sticker on the back of Artemis throne and a hologram of a stray lightning bolt in front of Zeus chair.

"I think this could get him!" I said to him flashing my mischievous grin.

"Ah... to think, that my T would be a master prankster!" Hermes rapped his arm around me.

"Ah but there is one final thing to do." I laugh handing him the cushion.

"And what is that?" He questions putting the cushion on apollos seat.

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