"Wow, that's actually kind of weird..." Lily L nodded.

"It's also weird that you look younger than mom and dad.. Why is that?" Lily and Harry looked at each other.

"We.. We actually don't know..."

Ginny Potter was not a morning person, but even she had to get out of bed when she heard a crash from the kitchen, followed by a female voice screaming

"JAMES!". She quickly got up and put her robe around her, before walking downstairs. As she entered the kitchen she saw her father-in-law crouching behind husband, with her mother-in-law standing before them, arms crossed and lips pursed.

"What happened?" Ginny asked.

"I don't know, I was with the kids in the living room, when we heard a crash. And when I got in here this one decided to use me as an human shield." Lily sighed frustrated.

"James decided that it would be fun to scare the magic out of me, as a deer." Ginny snorted.

"Oh deer god, hope he won't doe that anymore." James turned to Ginny with a maniac smile on his face.

"I like you. Harry, I like her. And not just because you followed the Potter-tradition."

"Marrying a red-head, that is." Lily filled in. Ginny smiled, before her eyes opened wide.

"I forgot!" She called up to the kids.

"Kids, get ready, we're going to Gran and Gramps as soon as we can! Maybe we too should get ready?"

"I thought we were to be there for dinner?" James asked.

"Change of plans" Ginny smiled. Harry, James and Lily all nodded, before going to their rooms.

Molly Weasley was standing in the kitchen, preparing the, now lunch and dinner for the whole family, as Ginny had written last night, telling her that she and Harry had exiting, yet confusing news. Mollys mind had been in a mess since she got the letter. Was she pregnant? No, that couldn't be it, neither one of them wanted more kids then they already had.

But, Molly thought, what else could it be? Renewing their vows? That seemed like the most likely option.

"Morning love!" Her husband greeted her with a kiss.

"Morning dear! Don't touch anything, it's all for lunch and dinner."

"Right."  There was three knocks on the door.

"Would you mind getting that? I'm a tiny bit busy." Molly glanced at the door, and then her husband. Arthur nodded, and headed for the door to welcome the welcome those who came.

"Grandpa!" It was Rose and Hugo Weasley, along with their parents, Ron and Hermione.

"Oh hello!" Arthur smiled and hugged his family.

"Just don't touch any of the food, Molly has been cooking for several hours now."

About an hour later, everyone in the Weasley clan was sitting in the living room, talking and enjoying life. Suddenly a voice was heard, trying to whisper.

"Dad, when are eating? I'm starving." Hugo Weasley was never good at whispering. But Molly heard him and said that it was probably time for lunch now anyway. Before everyone stood up, Ginny did and told them to wait.

"You see... this is something only Ron and Hermione knows. well, of us in here." She added with a smile.

"For today, there will be two more people joining us." Everyone except the Potters, Ron and Hermione, looked very confused. Ginny turned to Harry.

"Do you want to tell them?"

"Sure." He said, standing up, facing his family.

"Yesterday, when I'd gotten home from work, which was my last day before vacation, we were sitting at the table, just done eating, when Ron's patronus came from work. He told me to come, urgently. They had two people in the interrogation room. Care to guess who?" As no one answered, Lily L cried the answer.

"It was grandma and grandpa!" George gave up a laugh.

"What did they do? Steal a muggle cooking thing?"

"Not granny and gramps! Other grandma and grandpa!" Lily L smiled at her uncle.

"Harry..." Mr Weasley looked pale and confused.

"She doesn't mean..?"

"Yeah, she means me!" James shot through the door.

"JAMES CHARLUS POTTER! GET YOUR ASS BACK OUT HE.. Oh," Lily stopped as she saw everyone staring at them.

"Hello, I'm Lily." She blushed and hit James in the back of his head, but both of them quickly put their hands up as they got ten-something wands pointed at them.

"Guys!" Ron went in front of them.

"Please, put your wands down! Don't you think we would've proved that?" One-by-one, all the wands disappeared.

"Well," Harry turned to his father.

"Congratulations, you're now the last living and the first dead marauder!" James paled.

"Padfoot? Moony? Wor-.. never mind, but Padfoot and Moony?" Harry's smile faltered a bit.

"Yeah. Sorry." That's when something clicked in George's mind.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA, hang on!" He stood up and went over to James and Harry.

"Did you say Padfoot and Prongs? And Harry, marauder?"

"Oh yeah, I never told you, did I?" Harry laughed.

"My dad is Prongs, Sirius was Padfoot and Remus was Moony."

"And Wormtail?"

"Traitor." James growled.

"The reason we died."

"Oh," George's face dropped.

"But still, oh my god. Harry, how could you forget to tell us our teacher was Moony? And your godfather was Padfoot?" Harry grinned.

"It just slipped my mind I guess."

"Lunch?" Molly then spoke up.

"Anyone?" Everyone mumbled in agreement, and went to take food from the kitchen.

"Hold up," James stopped himself.

"Your teacher?!"

[Word count: 1426]
YAY!!! I got to finish this chapter, finally!!!!
And YES I'M A SLOW AF UPDATER, SO WHAT, SUE ME. Not to say I told you so, but I told you so!! And also, I finished this on the 11/4 but since I don't have any internet now while I'm in Finland (cri w/ me), I'll post this on the boat home, which will be on Saturday... I think... Yep, on Saturday this chapter will be up. AND ALSO!!!!!

*IMPORTANT AF!!!!!!!!!!*
Please read!!!!!!! Would you rather have me updating chapters with, as I said in the beginning, at least 1000 words, but it might be longer in between updates, or shorter in between updates, but shorter chapter???

-Moa xx

The lights return •HP ff• (not continued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin