Silent Tears

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this was a school writing task about journeys < Gah the word makes me sick now. i had to read this out infront of 60 other people in my year as everyone else did with their stories i get a little shaky thinking about it so i hope you like it! vote & comment :)

It was if I had frozen in time, my vision blurred and silent tears streaked my face, my inner turmoil drowned out the voices around me, my world was spinning and my body was numb. I fell to the floor, ignoring my mother's protests and my father cursing at the others, my brother lied to me, I actually believed he wouldn't get hurt, if he wasn't already dead I'd kill him for lying to me, why did they let him go there.

More tears fell from my eyes, I could feel them trail down my face, I remained silent, not a single sound, my face was void of any emotion, besides the tears. I was slapped into wrist irons, the men who had come to deliver the news and consequently take me away seemed to enjoy the pain of my family, as they dragged me with them, I turned to see my mother crying into my father's chest, my own tears had been replaced with a smirk, sure they care now, at least I won’t be with them anymore, even though the time frame of the rest of my life seems in-adequately short.

I was placed in the back of a car, the two men from the arena got into the front, and laughed about how I wasn't trying to run, how could I, my body is numb and my head is still spinning, the tears came back as I processed what was happening, they were taking me to the Blood sports Arena, to die like my brother, fighting for money I'd never see, civilisation has certainly gone back a few hundred years if people find watching a girl being brutally murdered entertaining. My brother didn't survive, how am I supposed to? The answer is obvious, I'm not.

They both held greasy smiles as the car continued along its path, I didn't bother looking out the windows, I knew where I would end up, hell, my stomach tied itself in knots, my tears kept coming, there was nothing I could do besides let them fall. I curled into a ball on the back seat and pretended to sleep, waiting for the restless ride to end, so that my decent to hell can begin.

I was dragged through dim halls, down a flight of stairs and into the basement, well dungeon, grey walls, stale air and the old scent of blood, almost claustrophobic, that was the theme of the entire place. They jerked me into a cell and tore the wrist irons from me, obviously I wasn't getting first class treatment but I am heading to hell, well that's what I've decided this place is, pure hell.

I looked around the cell, two flat old mattresses filled most of the floor space, there were thin rags that looked to worn out and itchy to provide comfort, I sighed aloud, one of the beds moved, oh I guess there is someone else trapped here to. He got up, his dark hair had fallen on his grim face, he shifted back to the mattress he came from and collapsed on it, I suppose this place is to depressing for conversation. I shuffled to the second bed and fell into it, hoping for some warmth, I found none. I was nearly asleep, when his voice filled the dim cell.

"I can't believe they got you as well, your brother sure has some guts"

His voice was so defeated, I turned around to face him, he was looking away, what did he mean?

"What do you mean, you knew my brother?"

I asked timidly, my heart was in turmoil, I don't think I need more.

"It's an obvious resemblance, there's no mistaking that you’re related to... him, there were rumours but I thought he wouldn't do it"

There was venom in his words, I had no idea, I just sat there confused as all hell, with more tears threatening to break. He didn't seem to want the conversation to continue, maybe I am better off not knowing, I sighed and turned back, as I rested my head on the stale pillow he began talking again, just as cryptic as before.

Silent TearsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz