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Minsuga: jimin...

Seen 4:31

Minsuga: jimin answer me... I know you're reading this.

Seen 4:32

Minsuga: jiminie... I'm sorry. I was just playing. You of all people should know that.

Jiminiejams is typing

Jiminiejams: yeah but what you said really hurt me. It made me sound like a nuisance-

NO | x

Minsuga: park jimin... I can't go a day without your text messages. You're such a.... distraction for me. A good distraction... talking with you makes me forget about my shitty life and ... yea.

Jiminiejams is typing

Minsuga: I hope you'll forgive me. I also....

Minsuga: like you very much.

NO | x

Minsuga: hope that you'll talk to me again jiminie... I miss you (even if it was only a few hours since we talked.)

Jiminiejams: best birthday present ever.

Incoming call from Yoongi Hyung ❤️


H-hello? Hyung?

........Happy birthday jiminie.



I'm hungry.

Save me, save me, (by giving me food) oh oh save me me me!~

I can't sing lol

Texting (yoonmin)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum