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    Fluttershy wakes up to see a familiar face. It's pinkie pie! She jumps up and down "Oh goodie your awake. I was worried you would be in a coma!" Pinkie says loudly. Fluttershy looks around and laughs under her breath when she sees her good for nothing boyfriend is not there. "Where am I?" Flutters asks. "In the hospital silly. You fell or something and you were bleeding like crazy. I had to do something!" Pinkie said with a sad grin. "Thanks Pinkie".
The next few days were a blur for her. When she finally gets out of the hospital she runs for her house hoping that Pinehoof is not  there. She arrives and sees the cider bottles on the floor and can tell he's there. She let's out a huff and sees him passed out on the couch. She smiles a evil smile and walks out locking the door from the outside, locking him in. She walks into town and strolls about. She over hears a conversation about her and tries to ignore it. But everypony was starring. She felt as though she was going to burst. She started to twitch without noticing, her breathing getting heavier. "Is that Fluttershy! Oh god poor thing. She looks as though she's gone mad!" She hears a pony say with a horrid tone. Fluttershy snaps out of her state of anxiety and walks up to the mare, "excuse me  Mrs. I need to talk to you about... a charity for the local animals. May you please follow me?" Fluttershy said with a shy grin trying to hide her Insanity. The mare agrees and follows Flutter. Fluttershy leads this mare who she learns is named Lollie Drops, to the meadow. "Now if you'll please sit here while I go get the animals?" Lollie agrees once more. Fluttershy goes into the forest and breaks out into hysterical laughter. Not the good "look at me I'm Sandra dee" (good job if you get that reference) kind of laughter but the kind where you should be in an insane asylum. She goes deep in the woods and finds a thick log, she's just barely able to carry. She comes back and says quietly "close your eyes so it's a surprise which animals I've brought!" Lollie listens and closes her eyes and with a loud "bang!" She's out cold. Blood splatter everywhere. She starts moving and Fluttershy hits her again. And again and again until she feels she has had enough. Fluttershy starts to chuckle, that chuckle turns into a insane laughter. The laughter gets louder and louder till it trails off. Fluttershy uses the 'club' to dig a big enough hole before tossing the lifeless mare in the hole. Then she covers it up and throws the log in the woods. She sighs happily and goes into her house. Pinehoof was still passed out and she took a nice bubble bath which felt nice on her blood and dirt matted coat. She gets out and is now fully relaxed. She decides to go out into the town once more. This time she hears talk of the missing mare she had killed hours earlier. She kept her calm and continued onward. Ponies like always were staring. Fluttershy did not like the starring it made her feel uncomfortable, self conscious and bad in general. She started to trot to keep them from looking at her cuts and bruises but that made them ask questions like "how did you get those?" or "what happened!?" She dashed to the bridge over the river and to the apple orchard. She smiled as she picked an apple knowing that Aj wouldn't mind. She sat down carefully making sure she didn't hurt her flank. She sighed biting  into the sweet apple. "What am I gonna do?" She thought aloud, rubbing her cuts. "Fluttershy? What are you doing here?" She hears Aj say behind her. "Nothing... just wanted an apple and I already spent my bits for the week... please don't be mad!" She said with a pleading look. "Why in the heavens would I be mad?" "I don't know... just a reflex to say" Fluttershy responded to the orange mare, taking a bite out of her apple. "Lighten up sugar cube. You'll be fine." Aj said grabbing a apple of her own. "Now hurry on home. It's getting pretty late." Aj continued. "Please no! I-I don't want to go back!" Flutters said with a look of sadness. "Why's that?" ... Fluttershy has no answer. She couldn't tell anyone what was happening. If she did Pinehoof would kill her. "B-because... it's just so peaceful out. What's the point of leaving to go be cooped up in a house..." she said unsure if Applejack would buy it. "Alright sweet pea. But you gotta leave the orchard or Granny would be upset." Aj said with a cheek grin. Fluttershy agreed and ran out as fast as she could. She ran to the town and tried to find comfort there but found none. She ran to each of her friends but Twilight was busy studying, Rarity was with a customer and pinkie was planning a party for somepony. No one was there for her. No one ever had been. She ran to her house and saw Pinehoof walking around. She couldn't go there. She had no where to go and no where to be. She started to fly. She flew to the tallest tree she could find with the biggest branch. She laid it the tree and listens to the birds and slept. By the time she woke up it was morning and there was a crowd around somepony. She couldn't see who till the pony flew out into the meadow as fast as lightning. Something about this pony interested Fluttershy. She flew closer but not to close. She could make out words, "it's OK... don't stress. You need to be here. It's good to be.I'm the country...ish area!" The mare had a Cyan coat and rainbow mane. She was beautiful. Fluttershy started to blush as she flew to close. The Azule mare saw her. "Can I help you!?" The mare said. Fluttershy shook, falling to the ground. "U-um I'm F-Fluttershy... I-I saw you run o-out here and thought y-you needed to be alone... but I haven't seen y-you here before." Fluttershy said stuttering and stammering trying not to blush. " Well hey Fluttershy. I'm Rainbow Dash!"
Rainbow Dash... how pretty!

Crazy Love {A Flutterdash Fanfic}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin