Wedding stuff

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Me: HI LUNAR MOONS! Today, it's the guys' turn to decorate the wedding
Sandra: Don't worry though because we said that if they don't stick with the theme
Me: Neither will their whole body
Both of us: So welcome back to a new chapter of RaNdoMneSs!

•*Question*•: Do any of the kids have youtube channels?

Me: Yup! Trey and Talia have a few: their gaming channel, challenge channel and another channel they call milkshake mayhem! It's everyone's FAVORITE channel, and they're uploading more videos on it than on their gaming channel, both are quite succesful, here's their latest vid!

Talia: HI GUYS! Welcome back to milkshake mayhem!
Trey: So in the last vid, so many of you guys asked us to do an Oreo milkshake! (Whoever loves Shane Dawson, I love you too)
Talia: So we went to the store and LITERALLY bought anything that had Oreo and cookies and cream on it, we put in our cart
Trey: We actually nearly brought the clerk with us, because HER name was Oreo
Talia: Anyway! Let's get on with the shake!
Trey: So first we're gonna put some cookies n cream ice cream in there, we're just gonna do two healthy scoops
Talia: (giggling) Healthy, NO, by healthy we mean huge, the next time a farmer says that their animals are healthy, that basically means that they're going to slaughter them for dinner. And we are just gonna put some, uh, some Oreo klondite bars in there, we've never actually had klondite bars before, I know their cathphrase is. "What would you do for a klondite bar"

Trey: And honestly, anything, we're very easy, we'll do anything for food, if anyone hands us some daggers and says "hey you have to kill those people, AND YOU'LL HAVE AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF OREOS!"

Talia: Let's just say, BeTrey and Battlia are out, and they're out to kill some bitches

Timeskip because my fingers are already NUMB

Talia: And that was today's video for today guys! Make sure to comment what kind of milkshake you want us to do next
Both: BAI :3

•*Question*•: When are the evil versions of the kids gonna meet their parents

Me: RIGHT NOW!!! This will take place in the evil realm, so OUR evil sides will take over the ask, while me and Sandra go check on the boys! See ya!


Wilted!Lily: So, my nice side told us to like, take over the ask for today and for the evil sides of the children SHE has to meet their parents
Devil!Sandra: So WiThoUt fUrthEr AdO, ThEm meEtiNg THeIr ParENtS!


Skybrine: So who are we meeting?
Devil!Sandra: Wait for i-

A boy and a girl stumble in, they look alike besides in their hair. The boy had a ripped blazer with jeans that were ripped on accident and some black sneakers, he had bloodshot red eyes and a black bandana covering his mouth. The girl had a ripped plaid jacket tied around her waist, she was wearing a black shirt with red blood stains on it, accidentally ripped jeans like her brother and combat boots, she also had bloodshot red eyes and a RED bandana.

???: (walks in casually eating popcorn)
???: (walks in, drinking redbull and recording the fight)

Two more walked in, except they were watching the fight. The girl had a jersey that was ripped near the zipper, edge and back. She had enderdragon wings, they were pretty wide and big (that's what she said) but they aren't able to break anything since the weren't THAT big, she had pink eyes with no pupil and they were glowing. Same with the boy, except his eyes were glowing green.



???: (laughing)

Two more walked in. The boy had red eyes, a dress shirt with the sleeves ripped off, he had ripped jeans, red converses, an angry expression and a dagger. The girl had a dress shirt rolled up at the sleeves, a vest over the shirt, a black skirt and red combat boots, she was holding what looked like TNT and a redstone torch, the TNT was small enough to fit in her pocket, they both had devil wings.

Everyone but Me and Devil!Sandra: (mouths wide open)

After the fight

Assassin!Jakayla: (polishing her katana)
Assassin!Michael: (polishing his axe)
Skybrine: Who ARE you guys?!
Ender!Talia: (puts down her popcorn) Nice to meet you too dad
Ender!Trey: Hi dads
Ender!Talia: Yup! (Levitates) where else would we have gotten our powers (puts a lolly in her mouth)
Ender!Trey: Anyway! This is Michael and Jakayla, the assassins in our group, they only talk to us and their dads
Michael: Sup?
Jakayla: Hey
Ender!Talia: And these two are Brody and Bria. Bria is the troller and Brody is the rager, they're both demons though
Demon!Bria: (lights TNT and throws it at Brody)
Demon!Brody: (gets baseball bat and swings it at the incoming piece of TNT)
Demon!Bria: You're getting better at this
Demon!Brody: Thanks

Wilted!Lily: So that is all for this chapter because the admin is getting cranky


Wilted!Lily: (slightly tramautized) A-And remember to comment, vote and all of that stuff, bye :)

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