Day 0-1

448 16 9

WC: 4130

"Alright (Y/N), you'll be in room 13," a lady clad in white scrubs instructed as she led you down a long corridor. Everything was far too white.

Thirteen is an unlucky number. Bad number. Bad room. Bad things are going to happen.

"My name is Olivia and your roommate's name is Sean. Don't take it to heart if he ignores you, he's like that with everyone." The woman continued speaking, and you somewhat heard her words, but you were focused on synchronizing the tapping of your footsteps with the lady's. She stopped at a closet and smiled at you when she opened it. "What color would you like for your clothes, dear? You'll only have to wear these for your first few days."

You hated making decisions and always felt rushed. You scanned the options, and spotted a nice pastel purple. "P-purple," you'd stuttered, your heart racing even from just speaking to the friendly, welcoming woman.

She smiled too much, but you liked the way she spoke. Soft, calm, not too fast, not too slow. She gave you the clothes and continued down a bit farther until she reached a door with the number 13 on a plaque beside it.

"I will be looking after you and Sean- oh excuse me, he likes to be called Jack. I will wake you both up at 8 o'clock and escort you to breakfast at 8:30."

You didn't even notice how much you were shaking until Olivia gently rubbed your arm. "Please stay calm. There's nothing to worry about, love."

You nodded, forcing a weak smile. Yeah, like that helps.

Olivia patted your shoulder. "Lights out at eleven. Door stays open, crack it if you need to change clothes. Someone will check on you periodically. Group therapy tomorrow. Good luck," she smiled and nudged the door open for you, going on in first.

"Hello Mr. McLoughlin. How are we feeling?" Olivia asked your roommate as she motioned to your bed for you to start unpacking. He let out a short, dull groan in response. You could feel Jack's eyes trained on you and shivered as you sat down opposite of him. You finally met his eyes.

The man had brown hair and blue eyes. A short beard. He was cute. It was always easy for you to see the best things about a person and you practically found everyone attractive. It was also partly due to the fact that you never participated in conversations and instead stared at people's features, admiring them.

You were the only person that you thought was disgusting and unworthy of anything good. Everyone else was literally an angel in your eyes.

You grew uncomfortable under his gaze, but you kept staring at him too. You envied how thin he was.

"Get along, you two," Olivia warned sternly, like a school teacher. As soon as she turned to leave, Jack turned around as well to stare out of a window, vertical bars practically ruining the pretty view of the sky.

He hates me, you thought. Well, I can't blame him. I'm repulsive.

You couldn't be bothered to unpack anything and it was almost eleven o'clock anyway, so you pushed your suitcase under your bed and crawled under the sheets, still in your clothes, and attempted to get some sleep. You wanted to be asleep by the time the lights were turned off. You heard Olivia come in to tell Jack that it was time for bed. A few minutes after she left, you heard Jack finally getting in bed. You heard him tossing and turning until you drifted off into deep sleep.


As promised, Olivia woke you both up at eight o'clock in the morning. You both sat up from your respective beds, groggily staring at each other. She informed you that you'd need to start wearing the purple clothes, and left the room. You slowly stood up and stretched a bit before crouching down to get your clothes from under the bed. When you'd stood back up, you noticed Jack's back was facing you, and you realized it was so you could change clothes, though you could've changed in the bathroom. You quickly changed, fumbling a bit. You murmured "done," and decided to unpack some things they allowed you to bring.

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