Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my first time ever writing a story so bare with me, ok? lol i'll post as often as i can but no promices. love you all and thanks for trying out my book! :D

pic on the side of Skyler --->> (A.K.A Andy Beirsack)

This story is dedicated to all the girls (and guys) at my new school, thank you all so much for making me feel welcome and part of the family! I love ye all!! :) xx

em xox

Chapter 1

My life along with every other teenage emo is the same, hours of torment in school followed by my parents scolding me for being myself. 'Why can't you just blend in better Jade?' and 'maybe if you wore less eyelinerpeople would like you' is a daily topic at home. Usually by dinner i'm in such a bad mood i'll just storm up to my room and blast the Black Veil Brides and Green Day until mom or dad bangs on my door telling me to go to sleep. The amount of time i spend in my room alone everyday gives me a lot of time to think, maybe if I were different i'd have more friends or maybe i'm jus doomed to be a loner for the rest of my school going days? i was soon to find out...

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Up until my 16th birthday i lived a very average life, but the night i turnde 16 everything changed. That night I went through the most painful change I could ever imagine. the next morning when i woke I could feel I was different, I could hear things way louder and from farther away, I could see much farther than normal and in greater detail and I was much stronger as I found out when i snapped the door off my wardrobe when i went to get dressed. That day I stayed home from school and was sat down by my parents so they could explain to my what happened to me last night. Turns out I'm a were-wolf, and I'm the daughter of the Alpha of the pack so that meant i would be stronger than an average were-wolf. They also told me that tonight I was going to have to 'shift' for them as they put it so that they could see if I turned out as they'd hoped, whatever that means.

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The next day in school was terrifying. Everything was louder and I began to nitice things that I would never have seen before, the biggest surprise was fro the students, mostly the male population. They all stared at mewith weird looks as if i was food or something, I mean i know i've got a pretty good figure and all, but they never looked at me like this before. The girls were as weird they all looked at me as if I hadn't washed in a week. But at least I've got back up from one person, Skylar. For all who don't know Skylar is my best friendand has been for as long as I can remember and is the only other forthcoming emo in the school. I smiled as I watched him approach, we'd known eachother for years and we're inseprable so he's practically my super hot over protective brother. "hey douche" he greeted me with the same easy smile he always wore. I consider Skylar to be the luckiest guy ever, he's the stereotypical emo, electric blue eye, longish jet black hair that always looks perfectly messy with a fringe that always hangs down covering his eyes and a single lip ring on his bottom lip that made him look so kissable that it makes my spine shiv-...Wait. Did I just think that about Skylar? I must be sick. "Shut up dip stick" I countered. He grabbed me into a giant bear hug like he did every morning, "how's my freak this morning?" he whispered in my ear. "seriously its morning, how am I ever im the morning?" I scoffed, walking towards our first class with Skylar still wrapped around me. On the way down the now nearly empty hallways I swear I sould hear Sky sniffing me, unusual I know, but i decided to just let it drop.

Ultimate Outcast (completed - editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ