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Sophie opened the door to her apartment slowly, with sluggish movements. She was dead tired and the only thing she wanted to do was sleep for twelve hours straight, but knew she couldn't when she had school tomorrow. She closed the door behind her and turned on the lights to be surprised by the sight before her.  

Her room was trashed. Furniture was turned over and destroyed, drawers were open, the few books she owned were tossed on the floor shredded, and that was only what she could see in the living room. 

Sophie looked at the mess and sighed before heading off into her room a few feet away. She found her bedroom in much the same state as the living room. Her clothes were strewn all over the over the floor completely destroyed and her mattress was ripped to shreds.  

Grabbing her backpack from her closet, she began stuffing it full of the clothes that she could salvage from the mess. She went around her room completely calm, grabbing the essentials she would need for later. 

She had gotten so used to the intrusions and attacks, she didn't have to stop and think about what to do next. She could feel her hands and legs moving methodically and quickly. She focused all of her attention on the process of packing her belongings instead of thinking.  

She couldn't bear to think at that moment. If she did, she would start panicking and if she started panicking she wouldn't focus on doing what she had to do. That meant she would make a mistake, which in turn meant she would be found. And when they found her -  

Sophie groaned out loud and shook her head to clear her thoughts. She had to stop thinking, dammit! 

After packing her backpack full, she walked out of her room and headed for her car. If she could just get in her car and drive away far enough, she would be safe. Her steps were agonizingly slow. She wanted to run to her car and take off at eighty mile an hour, but she couldn't. She needed to stay calm and act like nothing had happened. She needed to avoid suspicion and attention; the night offered her only partial cover while the moon illuminated the path for her.

She was only a few feet away from her car now and she was already pulling out her keys to open the car door. Just a few more feet. 

"Hey there, Sophie." 

Sophie spun around and gasped when she saw she was surrounded by five people. Her eyes automatically adjusted to the dark and focused on the men. The head of the bunch she recognized. He was tall with blond hair reaching just above broad shoulders. His green eyes stared at her mockingly. 

"Hey there, Cameron." She said in the same tone. She sneered when he took a step toward her. 

"Relax." Cameron said soothingly. "I'm not going to do anything, yet. I just want to talk. There's nothing wrong with that right?" 

"I don't want to talk to you." She ground out. Her palms were sweating, but she didn't bother to wipe them off. They would only see it as a sign of weakness, she wouldn't give them that. 

Before she could even blink, Cameron had her by the throat and lifted her up off the ground. Cameron's hand tightened on her throat making Sophie let out a squeal of surprise. She futile attempts to claw his hands away, but they didn't budge. 

"Listen, brat. You should be glad you're still alive. A worthless abomination like you should have been killed at birth, but you were spared. You owe our clan your life, the least you could do is hear us out, don't you think?" 

Sophie barely heard him. She was losing consciousness and her control. Her throat ached and the only thing she could think about was making it stop. She needed it to stop, make it go away somehow. But, it just kept burning! Her vision was slowly turning black and she panicked. That was when her control snapped. 

"Sire? I think we should stop, something is wrong with her. Our orders were to bring her back alive to face the punishment -" 

"Shut up! I know what I'm doing - what the hell?" Cameron screamed and let go of her as he stumbled back, looking at her like she was the plague. 

Sophie fell to the ground and breathed in deep gulps of air between her coughs, her throat no longer burning. She looked up to find Cameron staring at her while caressing his hand. Looking closer she noticed boils on his hand that looked like they came from burns. 

"What the hell did you do to me?" Cameron yelled but didn't dare come closer to her. He wasn't about to be burned again. His fangs elongated to snarl at her. 

"I-I don't know!" Sophie looked down at her hands. It wasn't the first time her powers had gotten out of control and wouldn't be the last if they kept coming after her. Her patience was wearing thin; she could feel the anger burning inside of her, itching to be released.  

"What the hell do you mean you don't know you little freak? You just burned my freakin' hand!" 

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" She was so sick and tired of being called a freak. She hated it. Who the hell were they to call her a freak? They were just like the rest of the clan who tormented her and made her life hell only because she was a half-breed, a hybrid.

She got up from the floor and stood her ground, snarling at them. She couldn't take it anymore and she wasn't going to. Her fangs grew and she launched herself at the men before they could attack her.

Sophie woke up in the forest alone and bloodied. Her hands were covered in dirt and had splinters. She looked around her trying to remember how she got there, but nothing came to mind. Her memory was completely blank. It was normal though, whenever she lost control.  

As always, her memories of what happened would come back when she least expected them and haunt her, she thought bitterly. 

She hated feeling empty and alone, which was exactly what she felt right now. How many times had she lost control of her powers and killed people? Granted they were trying to kill her first, but that didn't make it right to kill others. She had sat alone and bloodied so, so many times and not knowing where the hell she was and how she had gotten there. 

Standing up, Sophie decided to figure out where she was instead of feeling sorry for herself. She sniffed the air and let out a smile of relief when she caught the scent of the old apartment she was staying at not too far from where she was. She knew the scent well, it was slightly musty and rank, but had a hint of the pine from the forest that bordered the back of them. 

She began walking toward the source of the scent and arrived at the apartment's lot in twenty minutes. Her car was still there, completely untouched. Her keys and backpack lay on the floor next to her where she must have dropped them. There were no signs of the vampires from her clan ever having been there, absolutely none. Not that she had expected any. 

Once she was in the car, she gunned it out of the town and didn't look back.


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