Where's my bestfriend(part 2)!!

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(Authors(P.O.V)- days went by and they couldn't find her but I bet you guys are wondering what the twins found out)

Okay so I'm trying my very hardest to reach my best friend mind but I can't and its weird for me not to

(Nique mind)

Me- Santo can you hear anything

Santo- Yea but I'm picking up very little

Me- like what

Santo- she's just saying she got to find a way to get away from them crazy niggas an-

Me- WAIT!!! I'm getting something she said something about somebody voice sound familiar and why are they even doing this to her

Santo- she keeps saying the male voice sound too familiar she just can't tell who

Me- and she still wondering why she can't see anything and she feel weak and her body feel like its bleeding but I still cant-

Me/Santo- WAIT!! I think I found..................

Me/santo- I THINK I FOUND HER!!!!!

De- where

Santo- she said something about a empty building in the south side of ATL

Me- Yea and that she can see but the men there have mask on so she don't know who they are

So today is the day we gone find Maia we went to every empty building on the south side and now where going to the last one we got are plan together now let's just hope it work

*pull up the empty building*

Nique-(runs out the car into the building)

Chres-(runs after her)

Me- twins hold up dammit

Jay jay- alright let's go

*Everyone walks into the empty building and hear gun shots and screams*

Me- everyone get ready

Secrete (P.O.V)
So me and Santo ran in the building without thinking but the funny part we found Maia fast but then some guys started shooting at us and we started shooting back I watched as my Bestfriend body was just laying there with blood so I ran towards her untying her body and picking her up taking her to the car while the boys tried to kill the the rest of the people and something weird happened when we gone to the car a black van drove by and a boy stuck his head out and smirked but I was only able to see his mouth because the rest of his face was covered

*at the hospital*

Me-(walks towards the doctor as he came out) is she going to be OK

Doctor- yes she is we stitched her and she's resting now but visitor hours are over

And with that being said we left home and made a plan to figure out who did this to my besfriend and why

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