Drama without the Drama

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Katelyn walks down the school hall and towards her locker that is next to her best friend Leon. As she opens her locker she sends a smile to her lovely friend.

"Why are you so happy today, Kay?" Leon questions using his nickname for her. She just smiles and giggles slightly while grabbing her math book from the shelf in her locker.

She closes and locks her locker and turns so she can lean her back against the lockers and grins at Leon.

"Oh nothing...just that I had the best date ever last night." She exclaims almost nonchalantly. Leon grins and leans his shoulder against the lockers.

"I need all the deets on last night girl." He pokes her slightly in her side making her giggle from being ticklish.

She pushes his hand away and says, "okay, okay." She laughs, "B took me to a hot spring that he found on a hike after we had dinner. We swam for a bit and then just talked about like anything and everything. And then...he uh...kissed me..." she blushes as she mutters the last words.

This information makes Leon's eyes go wide. "Wait like...he FINALLY kissed you?!" He almost yells, making some of the passing students glance their way.

"Shhhh! Keep it down a little, Leo." She shushes him slightly embarrassed. "It's not that big of a deal..." She brushes some of her long light brown hair behind her ear.

"Yes it is, you two have been 'dating' for like what? Two months? And he just now has finally kissed you?" He inquires while putting air quotes when he says the word dating. "I mean if my boyfriend made me wait that long I'd probably die."

"You don't even have a boyfriend Leo." Katelyn laughs at his statement. "Anyway, it's not that bad. I'm his first girlfriend ever so I can understand why he's still a bit shy. It's kinda cute."

"First of all, I do have a boyfriend. His name is Shane Dawson-" He starts to say.

"Shane is a Youtuber hun...plus he's engaged to Ryland." Kay giggles cutting him off.

"Okay fine but the second thing, he's not shy. Kay have you seen how social he is here at school? I means he's friend with a bunch of cheerleaders..." he points down the hall. Kay follows where he's pointing and sees her boyfriend, Bridger laughing with girls that are in their cheer uniforms.

"He's just friendly with them Leon. Him being friends with them and dating me actually makes the jocks treat us drama kids like actual human beings. You can't tell me that that is a bad thing." Looking back to Leon with a small smile. He returns the smile happily.

"That's a good point Kay." He nods. Just then the bell rings and Katelyn gets a tap on her shoulder.

She turns and sees that it's Bridger. Her face lights up with a grin as her green eyes meet his brown ones.

"Hey, babe. Ready to walk to math together?" He smiles down at her. She nods and looks back to Leon.

"I'll see you at lunch Leo." She smiles at him sweetly. Leon nods at her with a smile and the two best friends go their separate ways.

Hey everyone!! First time writing something that isn't fanfiction haha so please vote and leave comments to let me know what you think!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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