Phantom of the Dance

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"One, two, three and a kick!"

"Yuuri! Faster tempo! Keep up with the group!"

"Yes ma'am!" Yuuri let out a soft sigh and started from the top again, repeating his routine for the show tonight. He had to get this right! He needed to be perfect! From the top!

    From the rafters, blue eyes watched from behind a white and plain masquerade mask, he ran a hand through short silver hair in frustration. He would need to fix that with Yuuri later.

"Damn it!" The man thought. "He is thinking too much again. If he doesn't calm down his talent will be a waste!" The man began to think and wonder. What could he do to help young Yuuri?

The man admired the boy; he holds so much talent and potential! Behind the scenes he would watch the boy from the shadows. Yuuri would do wonderfully when he was alone! He would stay long after hours and do nothing but practice. He held such determination in his eyes, even though the man watching would be some distance away, he could see that emotion shine bright as the sun that beams above the town everyday. When no one was watching, it seemed like the music from the current number resonated through his body! Every step was on time, every sway of the hips were slow and oh so sensual! He rose as the music came to a crescendo and dipped as the music came down to a mild forte and eventually to a soft piano. His hands would fly above his head majestically and his facial expressions- oh how the man loved that slightly chubby face. How much emotion Yuuri portrayed, he was enveloped by the music! He was a wonder, his dancing was that of absolute and pure beauty!

But with all this in mind, he had to wonder. Why was he so fascinated with just one boy? Why was he on such a brink of pure obsession because of a 24-year-old man? The silver-haired man was well aware that his fascination turned to something more. He felt like he needed to help Yuuri! His talent alone was amazing but he was also making small improvements on his own. So why was the man so intent on this one dancer? A dancer who came from a small town? A dancer who never tasted the sweet flavor the spotlight provided until merely three years ago? It didn't make sense to him!

"Yuuri! You need to stop fucking up!" His thoughts were interrupted and he looked over the railing.

"I am well aware of this Yurio. You don't need to tell me twice." Yurio was yelling at his Yuuri again.

"Did I really just think 'my Yuuri?'"

"You need to do something about always falling behind! The extra practice because of you is killing us!" The man on the railing did not take kindly to the constant berating.

    Yurio always had something against Yuuri! He was never kind to the older dancer and he was always just a grump. Perhaps he should do a bit of correcting. He reached for the rope that held the sandbag in the air that was just behind Yurio, he would never hurt the boy of course. Yurio had his own talent and despite being only 16, he was needed in the performance! The man only wanted to scare him a bit.

"What do you need help with Yuuri?" The man froze and his eyes widened.

"Did Yurio just lend Yuuri a hand?"

"Eh?" Yuuri seemed just as shocked.

"I said, what do you need help with? I can't have you dragging the rest of us down!" Yuuri gave a soft smile and began telling Yurio what he needed assisting with. Yurio pulled the elder man off to the side and began practice with him.

    A benign smile came across the mysterious man's face and he slowly let the rope go, tucking the knife back into the inner pocket of his fancy vest that he wore. He could probably let today slide without an incident.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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