His hyung did not waste time to go over where they were crowding and carefully picked up Holly and placed him on his lap.

Jimin blinked at the chicken wings in front of him.

And then it hit him.

Jimin stared at the dog, which stared back at him as if she knew what was going on in Jimin's mind.

"It's you, isn't it?" Jimin whispered.

Holly barked.

"Have you gone insane, hyung?" Jihyun asked, catching Jimin whispering to the dog.

"Shut up, kid," Jimin said, a bright smile slowly spreading on his face as he realized the coincidence.

He turned back to Holly who was looking at him whilst enjoying the patting and cooing from the people around him.

"Do you remember me?" he said to the dog, poking its nose.

"What are you talking to my dog about?" Yoongi asked from behind Jimin, making the younger jump in surprise.


Yoongi settled to sit beside Jimin. "Looks like Holly is enjoying his time."

Jimin turned to Yoongi, his smile still firmly attached to his lips.

He was the one who paid for my bill that time. I can't be wrong.

"W-what's with that look?" Yoongi asked, looking away.

It was then that Jimin realized he had been staring. But why wouldn't he stare? The man who saved him from imprisonment or possible fate of cleaning the dishes for free was right here in front of him.

"It was you, hyung!" Jimin exclaimed.

Yoongi gave him a weirded look. "Ah...did I miss anything here?"

Jimin laughed and hugged Yoongi without really knowing it. He's just too happy to finally know the man who paid for him on that fateful day.

And who would've thought? It was actually his boss!

"Do you happen to remember paying for someone else's bill, hyung?" Jimin asked when he finally pulled back from the hug.

He barely noticed that everyone stopped laughing to watch the two of them.

Yoongi, who was faintly blushing, scrunched up his face. He was probably thinking hard.

His thinking face looked so adorable.

"Wait... Don't tell me you're that noisy guy behind me that kept on muttering strange things?"

Jimin gave him an indignant stare.

Holly barked.

Yoongi turned to Hoseok who was hiding a smile. "Hey! You were the waiter that time, right? You even had fun calling me sir and being so formal. Was it Jimin, then?"

Jimin blinked.

He had just remembered that Hoseok was indeed the waiter.

Hoseok nodded at Yoongi's question and chuckled. "Yep, it was dear little Jiminie."

"I'm not little!" Jimin inserted.

Hoseok only smiled and continued. "Why do you think I keep on insisting that you two are soulmates? You already had a connection even before you've known each other. It's a definite evidence that you two are meant to be together. I was waiting for the perfect moment that you two will find out about it. And apparently," Hoseok then turned to look at Holly in eyes, "it has already arrived."

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