And Depression Sounds Like This...

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  • Dedicat lui Victims of Depression

Look at yourself,

Look at your soul.

deep in thought,

wondering why life's so dull.

Well that's me.

Depression is my name

I corrupt your minds

I leave none sane.

I creep into your head

and remind you of all the bad,

anything and everything that

you never had.

I make your life Hell

I sneak into your nightmares.

I lose all your friends,

and make it look like no one cares.

I start off with saddness

then I pierce a deeper hole

I make you cry at night

You develope a darker soul

now this is me.

depression is my name

if you ever meet me

you will end up insane

I ruin you.

I mess you up.

I hurt you.

I disarm you.

I weaken you.

I break you.

I kill you.

so if you ever meet me

be afraid

be aware

be alert

be happy and you might just scare me away.

For I'm the opposite of sunshine

The dark is what I rade.

so don't dare show me darkness

Or your my new victim.

Good bye, for now.

Don't forget me

my name is depression

We'll have our private little session,

just wait and see.

For my name is Depression

And your life,

is my obession

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