Yosano Akiko

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You're kind of a newbie at the ADA, and you just got assigned to your first mission today. It was successful, but due to a trigger happy lady in the Port Mafia, you got many shot wounds. You don't understand why Junichirou is freaking out so much. He got injured too.

"Won't Yosano heal us?" You ask him. You blush thinking of her. She's the one you feel most comfortable around in the couple weeks you've been here. You've spent some quality time with her going shopping, harassing Ranpo and watching chick flicks. Whenever she puts her arm around you or holds your hand (even though you know it's in a friendly way) you melt.

"(Y/N) I hate to bring the bearer of bad news," Junichirou lowers his head. "I hate it so much."

"Why, what is it?" You start to worry. "Is Yosano hurt?"

"Oh, no no," he says. "Just, she's...you've only seen one side of her. You've only been here for a couple weeks so you've never seen her ability."

"She's a healer, right? She can't be dangerous."

"No you don't understand," Junichirou whispers fiercely. "She's crazy."

"Yeah, sure," you laugh. Junichirou just shakes his head.

When you get back to headquarters, people come up to you asking how your first mission went. When they notice your injury, their smiles fade immediately. Except Ranpo, who waggles his fingers and says, "Oooooh, you have to get the TREATMENT."

"Ranpo-San! That's not funny!" Atsushi whines.

"Well, what do we know, she'll probably like it because it's Yosano," says Ranpo.

"Okay I'm going now," says Junichirou, audibly gulping.

"I'll go too!" Naomi chirps, skipping after him, despite his protests.

After they leave, everyone's quiet and solemn. You don't know what's the big deal.

"You know," Dazai says. "You wouldn't have to go through with the treatment if you and I-"

"No, NO, I'm not committing suicide with you. Go ask another pretty girl like Kunikida."

Dazai giggles. "Oh (Y/N) you're so funny. Do you even know how funny you are? I would love if you committed a d-"

"I said leave me alone, loser."

Atsushi whispers something to Dazai, and he mopes away, singing something about how you can't do a double suicide alone.

After a couple more minutes of sitting in a tense room, Junichirou and Naomi return, one of them looking particularly less happy than the other. "Your turn," he says.

Atsushi puts his hand on your shoulder, nodding. Now you're starting to feel uneasy. You walk to Yosano's office feeling like you're going to throw up. You don't know what you're expecting but apparently it's not good at all.

You open the door to see Yosano in a black tank top. Her hands are covered in blood. She looks at you with a bright smile. "Oh! (Y/N), hello!"

"Hi, I kind of hurt my leg."

"You're hurt?" A devious smirk grows on her face. All that comfort at seeing your closest friend at work has disappeared. You don't feel comfortable at all. "Well, it looks like I'll have to heal you then." She sits on the nearby hospital bed and beckons you over.

"You're acting weird," you tell her, staying where you are. "Why are you acting weird?"

"Doesn't it hurt?" She snaps.


"Your leg. Do you want to be healed or not?" Why is she mad?

"Yeah but you're scaring me." You don't tell her that she scares everyone else too. Maybe she already knows.

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