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To the Spectrum Book Club, 

     The administrative body would like to inform you that Yasmine (20th-march) has elected to leave the Spectrum Book Club.

It is a moment of deep sadness for us and we know those of you who know her will be saddened too.

I guess a little history of the Spectrum Book Club is necessary at this time;

In the month of May 2016 20th-march and ProjectPr1de came together and created the Spectrum Book Club. At the time we would look forward to our weekly pairs and games and of course fear the strikes, that is, until the great Week 4 incident. This was the incident in which "Larry" (he who shall not be named) deleted the Spectrum Book Club account and proceeded to block Yasmine as well as a few members, it was at this time that Matt (YourFavouriteAuthor) and I (classicoverthinker) went to help Yasmine and soon enough we had the Book Club up and running again.

During this time we introduced, cycles, circles, a kik group, a new aesthetic etc. And developed a supposedly life long bond between each other. Until Saturday night, when the great tragedy of 12/11 occurred. This eventually led to Yasmine, the only admin who had been here since the first ever Week 1 (and the only one of us who was nice), to leave.

This of course devastated Matt and I. 

In all honesty I do blame myself for 12/11 and I don't want you to think that Yasmine is a bad person. She is probably the nicest person we'll ever meet (and the nicest person to tolerate us) and of course she is practically irreplacable. She will be dearly missed, and I ask that members of the Club not send her hate, but instead leave a comment on her message board thanking her for all the time she dedicated to us and all the hardwork she put in to make this club a success.

And hear comes the hardest part; Matt and I won't be able to run the club by ourselves so we're looking for a new administrator to be apart of our team. The link will be posted on our message board, and in our bio so that you may apply if you are interested. 

Submissions will be open from until next week Monday, and until we've found a new admin who will resume Yasmine's role as the High On Love circle leader, battle of the circles will be put on hold. 

We look forward to seeing your applications and to Yasmine we say,  until next time: 


From, The Administrators

Links to the admin application form can be found in:

*The External Link section (PC only)

*Our profile bio

*Our message board

*The Kik group (mobile only)

Spectrum Book ClubOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz