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A/N Louis outfits on top/side.

Harry jumped out of the shower shaking his hair dry as he wrapped a towel around his waist. All through is shower he still couldn't get his mind off the little cutie across the street.

He was startled out of his day dream by a knocking on the bathroom door.

"Harry, you done yet? I want to play FIFA I just got it set up." Zayn called from outside the door.

'Yeah FIFA' Harry thought to himself.
'Can't think about the neighbor boy if I'm playing FIFA.'

"Yeah on sec" Harry called as he put on his clothes.

Opening the door he was meant with the sight of Zayn leaning on his bedroom door playing on his phone.

"Lets go" Harry said as he walked pasty Zayn on his way out his bedroom.


Louis was freaking out.

His neighbor was hot. Not just cute hot like if he looks at me I might pass out hot.

He wanted to look good. Who didn't want to look good for someone he liked.

So that's why Louis is now running around his room looking for something to wear.

He wants, no scratch that he needs to look good. He needs to look hot. But he needs to look presentable if he ever wants to get past his mom.

First he tries shorts and a t shirt.

'I look good' He thinks to himself as he twirls around looking at himself in his bedroom mirror. "Finally" he sighs.

'Shit' He mutters under his breath. His mom would have to die before he could ever wear this out.

The only reason he has the shorts is because he bought then when she was on a business trip.

"Ugh!" Louis screamed.

"Louis is everything okay up there we're leaving soon" His mother called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah mommy. I'll be down in a minute"
Louis said in a monotone yet sweet voice picking up his clothes.

He stopped picking up clothes, looking down he saw his favorite skirt ever. He thought he lost it. It was simple, short and black. Nothing special and just long enough that his mother let him wear it out of the house.

He picked up his black flats and was on his way downstairs.

Turning the corner into his kitchen Louis' mom yelled from outside for him to grab the plate with the fairy bread on it.

Louis put on his shoes and picked up the plate stealing a peice as his mom and he walked over to the house across the street.

"Louis" his mom scolded him as he got sprinkles and bread crumbs all over him.

"What mommy" He said a mouth full of fairy bread.

"Don't speak with your mouth full." Jay said pushing the door bell.

This is the first book I have ever written.

I read a lot of books on here and I've probably had this app for about a year and a half?

I'm hoping to update more often. Now that I know people actually look at this.

I don't want a supper long book maybe 20-30 chapters. Short ones like 350-500 words.

Whatever. I'm just hoping someone has read this far in the A/N , I never do.


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