Chapter 2

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/// I updated this chapter and made some essential adjustments. I will update the following chapters as well and differences and plotholes may occure while I edit my story///

Lord Newoak walked up to Ella and Emily who were entering the drawing room to join for tea time and welcome the newly arrived visitor. Ella's view flashed to the back of the room, when her eyes fixed on a tall and intimidating posture. Lord Grassborough had stood up to greet them. Ella tried her best not to stare at him, but her eyes would find their way back to his. It had been her plan to listen to her brother for once and keep away from him; she wanted to ignore Lord Grassborough, but as soon as her curious eyes had discovered his striking blue eyes that were settled on Ella, she couldn't prevent her heart from speeding up. It was going to be a lot more difficult to resist him than she had expected.

Lord Grassborough bowed to acknowledge their presence, when suddenly Lady Newoak interrupted and took everyone's attention as she rushed with a loud handclap towards them. Emily's mother was excited, too excited for Ella's liking.

"Lord Grassborough, may I introduce my daughter Miss Emily Wilson" Lady Newoak spitted the words out as fast as possible. Emily bowed simultaneously to her mother's introduction. "And of course, my-" Lady Newoak stepped next to Ella and straightened her back discretely. "-my beautiful and most wonderful niece, Miss Ella Hastings." Lady Newoak pushed a little against Ella's back to remind her to bow; Ella easily forgot those kinds of polite forms.

Only when Ella sought Lord Grassborough's gaze again he could fully appreciate the beauty and modesty of Ella's appearance. Her grey-blue eyes were underlined by her grey gown and her dark-blonde hair was put into a fancy up-do, leaving two curls hanging besides her round shaped face. He had heard of her beauty, but never would he have thought that people de-emphasized it so much.

Lord Newoak rolled his eyes at his wife's attempt to make Ella more desirable. All these years he had hated all her set-ups, but this one took his last nerve. Lady Newoak tried to marry off his favorite niece, and he surely wouldn't just watch this happening, not after what he had heard about their guest. He may be rich, but until he had proven his reputation wrong, Lord Newoak wouldn't just let Lord Grassborough take Ella's hand. "Let's sit, shall we?" He sat back on his chair and waited on the others.

Lord Grassborough stared at Ella, when all of a sudden he turned around and sat next to Lord Newoak. This man was sitting with his features more neutral than Ella had ever experienced. Usually she was able to read a person in seconds, but there was something about Lord Grassborough that kept her in the dark; as if he was trying to protect himself; as if he had built up a wall to hide some ugly truth from the piercing eyes of this world.

The three women joined the men at the mahogany coffee table and sat opposite them on a white settee. Rays of warm sunshine entered through the tall windows and filled the room with a joy that didn't fit the feeling between the parties at all.

"Would you two like some tea?" Lord Newoak asked and waved the servant at the door inside. The fruity scent of the tea started to fill the drawing room. No one spoke a word until the servant was out of the door again.

"So, tell us, how was your travel? I hope it was quite acceptable." Lord Newoak ended an awkward silence and sipped his tea.

"It was agreeable. My servants are not yet the best in choosing paths that lead the fastest to my destination, but they will learn to, eventually." Lord Grassborough's eyes wandered form Lord Newoak to Ella and back again while he was speaking.

Ella noticed his eye movements and grew uncomfortable under his gaze.

'Why does he keep looking at me like this? Does he know?' Panic rose up in her. Her chest tightened and breathing became more difficult. She wouldn't be able to encounter him ever again, if he knew of her secret. The one secret her family and the Newoak's had kept from the world, or at least that's what she had believed. Her eyes lowered and she didn't dare to look up again.

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