The Mistletoe Hex

Depuis le début

His eyes widened and without thinking he pushed Seamus through the doorway so he collided with Dean. He shut the door and winced. Seems Ginny did quite the number on him. The flash probably ment the jinx was activated. He wouldn't be able to go to Madame Pomfrey without colliding with someone, such was his luck.

Ok Harry, everything is fine. You're a Gryffindor, you've got to have some mettle.

Armed with courage, the Marauders map, and his invisibility cloak he left to his first class Ancient Runes.


Harry was dead tired. He had been using his knowledge of all the secret passageways in Hogwarts to reach his classes on time. He'd been jumpy and paranoid the whole day.
When Hermione asked him about it he only shrugged. Lunch he skipped and hid in the library, finishing his Potion's essay. Dinner was spent in the kitchens as he still didn't trust himself not to bump with someone.

Reaching Gryffindor Tower was a miracle. Brushing his teeth and dressing in his pajamas he went to bed. He was out like a light.


Morning came again. This time however, he rose slowly. Taking his time he showered and dressed. The empty common room ment everyone had already left to get breakfast. Sighing, he made his way to the Great Hall knowing that the doors would probably be closed making his idea of quietly slipping in impossible.

The spell probably hasn't faded yet. Ginny was mad. I didn't even know that Hufflepuff girl. The girl was simply laughing with her friends like four feet away from me.

He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't see a certain blond haired Slytherin. They crashed into each other, making Harry lose his balance and fall on top of the blonde.

"Potter, get off me!"

Harry hurried to his feet. From the corner of his eye he could see Malfoy standing up and fixing his tie.

Suddenly Harry remembered his dilemma. Looking upwards he noticed mistletoe.


"Potter, what are you staring... at?" Malfoy's face suddenly looked paler.

Well, it just had to be in front of the bloody Great Hall and with Draco-freaking-Malfoy.

"Malfoy, let's not make this harder than it has to be."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, you very well know what am I talking about."

Draco, however, was not a Slytherin for nothing and successfully changed the topic.

"And why exactly did mistletoe appear when we bumped?"

"Um, Ginny cursed me."

They either failed to notice or chose to ignore the fact that they were civilly talking.

"Weren't the Weaslette and you together?"

"We broke up."

A tense silence surrounded them, neither sure of how to proceed.

Draco gathered all of his courage and turned to face Harry.

"We should probably get this over with."

Harry nodded, but neither showed any signs of getting closer to the other.

"How exactly does this type of spell work?"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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