Book 2 - Billy - Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

I'd managed to keep the Forks' Police Department at bay; they had been panicking over their sheriff's whereabouts from the moment his house was found ablaze. Naturally, they'd expected the worst; Charlie Swan was a man to be found in his squad car anywhere he went. When the Hook and Ladder and pulled up and found his squad car and cell phone abandoned, an all points bulletin had gone out almost instantly.

I called within the first day of his 'disappearance', and explained that Charlie and I had gone away for a last minute weekend trip to see my daughter on the island of Oahu. Taking a page from the Cullens' book, I told them that Charlie had picked up a rare virus while on the island; according to what Charlie's staff knew, he was now quarantined and fighting for his life in Wahiawa General Hospital. Thanks to the magic of current technology and Alice Cullen's quick thinking, she had set up a phony number to provide the deputy with in case they felt the need to get an update. They never let on that they would be following up, however; they merely sent well wishes to Charlie through me, with instructions to get better soon and the assurance that everything in Forks was well under control.

It was torture having to lie to them, but Jacob continued to maintain that Charlie may actually be able to live a normal life. I might not have gone along with the charade, but Carlisle assured me that he was living proof that it was possible. And if it turned out that it wasn't, it would be easy to explain away his death...and the Cullens would leave with Charlie at once. I stood to lose a lot if Charlie couldn't handle his new life; my best friend and my son would both be gone. I knew that Jacob could never leave Nessie, so I decided that it was in my best interest to remain optimistic.

The days seemed to stretch for me as I spent half my time circling the house in wolf form, the other half sitting vigil around Charlie as a human. Each length of time began to overlap into the other; I no longer felt like I knew which way was up or down. I'd fallen into a pattern that became more instinctual than premeditated. Sleep, wolf, human, eat. It was almost a mantra that marked each hour of my day. And with a war coming and no idea of when, it was all that kept me from going insane.

Late during the second day, a long howl pierced the silence that surrounded the house. I jumped from my position at Charlie's side and left the house as the Cullens stood at attention. This time I pulled my clothes off, albeit haphazardly, before phasing. I stood at attention in the center of the yard, ears perked up as I awaited word from one of the pack; I remained in front of the house so that I could pass word to Edward before making my next move.


"Billy! It's okay. They're friends of the Cullens."

I remained alert, ready to run if necessary. "Are you certain?"

"Yes, I remember them from our last stand off with the Volturi."

"Good job, Seth. Stay at the ready."

I could feel the pride reverberate through Seth. "You got it, Billy!"

I turned my head toward the house. "Did you get that, Edward?"

His voice came from the house. "Yes, Billy. Thank you. I'll be down to greet them shortly."

Mere moments later, a group of vampires came running from behind the house into the small clearing in front, closing the distance between us rather rapidly. They came skidding to a stop when they saw me, possibly forgetting that there had been an alliance between the pack and the Cullens; perhaps they'd just never seen me before. I lowered my shaggy head in a quick bow before stepping aside, signaling them that I meant no harm. They watched me carefully as they walked past, not giving me their back. I let out an amused snort; this would all be easier if I were able to phase back without strangers seeing me naked. It wasn't going to happen though, I took a few steps back as Edward stepped out of the front door; I would introduce myself as soon as I could get my jeans back on.

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