"That hoebag totally kicked you on purpose and she's getting away with it. Why are you letting her get away with it?" Rose snarled. "If she pulls that shit tonight, I'm storming up there and drop kicking her across the stage. And I don't think anyone will stop me, damn it!"

"I'm not letting her get away with anything," I said, sitting down. Edward handed me a cup of coffee. I took a sip, humming appreciatively before turning back to Rose. "The way everything happened, it legitimately could have been an accident. And I want to prove to myself and to her that I can win without resorting to fucking cheating." I shot a glare at the three guys in my room. "She's done everything to sabotage me, but I've come out on top. Her nonsense is not going to get in my way. I feel much better after my shower and with ibuprofen, I'll be fine. I'm fine."

"She's still a hoebag," Jasper grumbled under his breath.

"I'm going to say it. Alice is a raging cunt," Jacob blurted. "I know that most women hate that word and for good reason, but it's the perfect description for her. Alice is a cunt and a half and needs to have her ass kicked from here to Lake Titicaca."

Edward blinked at Jacob. Jacob had said all of that and his face was completely serious. Rose was giggling behind her hand. Jasper had his lips pursed, but his face was turning bright red. "Where should she have her ass kicked?" I squeaked.

"Lake Titicaca," Jacob replied, jutting out his chin. "It's in Peru in the Andes Mountains." We all exploded in laughter and Jacob looked indignant. "What?! Why are you laughing?"

"The name ... the lake's name," Jasper wheezed.

"Oh, for the love," Rose chuckled. "I wish I was there. I should have been in the final four, damn it. Not Miss See-You-Next-Tuesday."

"I agree," I giggled. "And Jacob, we're not laughing at you."

"It's our exhausted brains and bodies reacting to stress and that ludicrous name of the lake," Jasper snorted. "Lake Titicaca. Lake Boobshit!"

"Okay, enough," Edward said, sitting next to me. "You're going to make me piss my pants."

"We have the maturity of middle schoolers," I deadpanned. "But, Jacob is right. She should have her ass kicked. By me. When I win."

"That's the spirit," Rose crowed.

"Or one of us wins," Jacob nodded. "She doesn't deserve the money or the notoriety. We're going down fighting."

I smiled at my friends, handing Jacob back his phone. Edward slid his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck. I leaned back against him as they continued to prattle on to Rose. "Okay, we're going to go. The limo is coming in a few hours. I want to get some stretches in," Jacob said. "Besides, Bella is almost zonked out against Edward."

"Let the poor girl sleep. She's been through hell and back," Rose murmured. I vaguely heard them leave and Edward take the coffee mug from my hand. Moving me back onto the bed, I eventually drifted into a deeper sleep. My body was not in as much pain and I managed to relax enough with Edward's tender caress along my back. When the alarm went off, Edward helped me to my feet and packed my duffel bag for me. I was still a little loopy, not firing on all cylinders.

In the limo, Alice sat on the long seat with her bags taking up most of the space. She was tapping on her phone, obviously texting someone. Jacob crawled in, shoving her bags onto the ground to sit next to her. "That was rude," Alice spat.

"So is using your crap to monopolize the entire back of the limo, Malice," Jacob snipped back. Alice glared at him and every inch of her body was vibrating with anger. "We have five people that have to fit back here." Jacob shoved the other pile of shit onto the ground. "For you, Jas."

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