Skype Chat 1

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A/N: Hello, and welcome to 'The Things We Say.' This is being written by myself and my BFFL. We use Skype messenger to write this, I did try to right align all Phil's parts, but it refused to work! :( (Maybe I'll figure it out at some point and come back and fix it!) Anyway, I'm roleplaying as Phil, and my BFFL is roleplaying as Dan. I hope you enjoy this fic!


P: Dan, can you grab me a Ribena pls?

D: Phil, you are literally two minutes away from the kitchen..

D: Do it yourself

P: But I'm busy editing atm...

D: Well I'm not just sat here twiddling my thumbs am i?

P: What's got your boxers in a knot?

:D Nothing

P: Dan

D: Look, I said nothing so will you just leave it?

P: Nope, can't do that dan. What's up?</div>

P: Dan? Don't just ignore me. Talk to me! Pls?</div>

D: Will you just leave it phil? I'm not in the mood for this right now, and people nosing into my business isn't helping

P: :( :( 

P: What do you mean ppl are nosing into your business? We tell each other everything. Who is being nosy?

D: I really don't want to get into this right now, id rather not get angry

P: Dan, stop bottling everything up all the time. If you don't tell me, I can't help you... the last thing I want is to make you angry, but I can't leave it like this! Pls, just talk to me

D: I am not bottling anything up, I want to be left alone right now and youre not listening to me

P: I'm allowed to be worried about you, dan, if someone or something is upsetting you, then I'd like to know so I can help make it all stop</div>

D: You can't make it stop

P: Surely I can try?

D: You know what you can try?

P: What?

D: Not getting involved, that's what. I told you I didn't want people getting involved in my business and youre doing just that. Can you just not?

P: But, dan...

D: No, phil. Leave me the hell alone

P: Fine! Tell you what, how about I just go? I can't live like this anymore dan. All I seem to do is tie myself up in knots all the time lately. You won't talk to me, you barely even look at me anymore either :(

D: Don't go phil...

D: Phil?

P: Then get your head out of your backside and talk to me, or I s2g, I'm gone

D: Look, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have acted like such an arse

P: What is gone on dan

P: *going</div>

D: This whole 'phan' thing is driving me crazy!

P: I know, it's driving me crazy too tbh. My poor mum and martyn have had a bad time of it recently as you know

D: So have my family.. Adrian seems to be getting really frustrated over it as well, because its just non stop and that's not fair

D: Phil, it just makes me so angry. Why cant they just leave us alone with all of this?

P: Bc the fans are too curious for their own good! I love our fans, but sometimes they scare me sm

P: Is Adrian okay?

D: Phil?

P: Yeah?

D: Youre my best friend, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you and I certainly don't want to be angry at you. Adrian was just freaked out, I suppose he didn't want to get wrapped up in all of this after all

D: They scare me too, it makes me so angry that they can just assume

P: It's my fault anyway :( 

D: Wait, what?

P: If I'd only deleted that bloody video, none of this would be happening in the first place. I'm sorry dan, I'm so so sorry that this is happening. Not just to us, but to the ppl we love! I'm sorry :'(

D: No, phil! It's not your fault, please please please do not ever believe that

P: It is though, if I'd had the forethought to delete that video after you watched it, this wouldn't be happening rn

P: Damn the person who unprivated that video!

D: Phil, carry on blaming yourself and I will personally walk into your room and slap you!

P: Go ahead, it's no more than I deserve

D: Stop it

D: Now

P: Why? I'm trying to tell you how I feel. I'm trying to be truthful with how I'm feeling, dan

D: I know you feel like that, I completely understand that. But I don't want you to feel that way because we've put it behind us now

P: Have we? You still seem so resentful towards me sometimes dan. I don't think you even realise that you're doing it either. I love you, dan, but I wonder if we shouldn't go to our separate parents places for Christmas in a few weeks and just have a break

D: Im sorry about that, I honestly am

D: It's the phandom that's doing it, not you. If only they would stop, I would feel a bit better and wouldn't be so bitter towards you

P: As soon as the radio show is over, you go to Wokingham, and I'll go to Manchester

P: See, you do blame me

D: Please, phil don't do this

D: I don't blame you

D: I'm only bitter because they put me in a foul mood sometimes, and I can't always control my attitude. I always say I don't want to be angry at you and I don't mean to be if I ever am

P: I know, I'm just tired and fed up of it all now. I'm fed up with being on the butt end of your moods. I'm trying so hard not to fall to pieces, to present a strong front... but I'm exhausted

D: I don't want to hurt you...

P: I know, dan, I know. I wouldn't want to hurt you for all the world either

D: Can we just sort this out? I couldn't stand a Christmas without you

P: Yeah, we can. I don't want to be away from you either

D: Thank you so much phil

D: I never want to hurt you again

P: Don't thank me, you have no need. As for hurting each other, no doubt that'll happen again, all relationships have ups and downs

D: I know I just feel guilty about it all now, I was being such an arse

P: I'm ngl dan, you were, but I forgive you

D: Phil, do you want me to come to your room? Maybe we can talk this through properly

P: That would be good! :) I love you, dan

D: God phil, soppy much? ;) XD

P: Lol. You do that to me xD ;)

D: Be right there! With a Ribena...

P: Thank you! See you in a minute. 

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