The Recital

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"She's the sweet "I love you" message I get every morning way before the sun declares the dawn.

"She's the passing butterfly gracing our world when she lost her way into our kitchen window.

"She's the kiss of sunlight escaping the little spaces among the leaves of the old mango tree when we went out one summer afternoon.

"She's the cool whispers of the wind while we're drinking coffee on the porch with her body leaning over mine as we watch the birds pass by to find a place to settle for the coming dusk.

"She's my breath and my life.

"She's the gentle reminder in my every waking day that the Lord has been so gracious to grant me the universe when all I asked for was a star.

"With her, life is a purpose.

"And so it is my regret that I chose to live in this earth on these wee little hours when I know deep in my unbelieving heart that she's gone and she's not coming back.

"Thank you and goodbye. The world is a better place without my broken heart."

Songs of a Turtle Lost in the Real WorldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang