Chapter 16

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He felt them in the back of his mind, sated, lazy, enjoying the jungle, chasing prey without actually hunting, and Blue kept a watchful eye on the rest of the pack.

Owen switched off the light as he parked his bike. It was after nightfall and he had been away longer than he had thought. And he had enjoyed himself.

Stretching himself along the bond he called them back to spend the night safely in the raptor paddock. The island was under heavy guard and he didn't want any of the troopers to shoot at the pack accidentally.

You enjoyed yourself, Blue stated.

Yes, he had. He needed both, human contact and interaction, socializing with others, and the time with the pack.

Her presence increased and Owen smiled as the four shapes came out of the darkness, smooth and lithe, the born predators. Blue's low rumbling bark told the others to get into the paddock. Owen gave them the last push.

Then he got up from the porch steps and walked over to Blue, stroking her muscular neck.

Healthy. Warm. Post-hunt buzz humming through them.

"Yeah, I enjoyed myself. So did you."

Do you miss being you?

Owen had long since accepted that communication with Blue was like talking but then again not talking; that his brain seemed to be some kind of universal translator when it came to them.

Now he looked into the intelligent eyes, felt the almost human intelligence of her mind flow around his own.

"No. I would miss you. All of you."

She pushed her nose against his neck, hot breath against his skin.

You are different. You need your own.

"You are my own," he murmured, scratching along her jaw.

He had raised them. He had gone through all the rough spots, all the joy, all the learning experiences with them.

But Delta, Charlie, Echo and Blue were no ducklings. They didn't follow blindly and Owen didn't lead without thought. He understood his responsibilities and he had always taken them seriously. He had their loyalty, right down to the moment where they had stood with him against the i-rex.

"I've got friends in town. I've got you. I'm here to stay. Don't worry."

We don't. We care.

There it was again, that warmth, that burst of something he couldn't out into words. He didn't have to when it came to his pack, and he had never tried to explain it to one of his friends.

They all looked at him, serious, acknowledging. Charlie whuffled softly and Echo dipped her head like she was nodding. Delta rumbled her agreement.

Scarred but alive, the pack was still there and would always be there. The i-rex had fused them even more into one unit and there would never be any doubt as to where they stood, who they were, and who they were with.

He gave Blue a light pat. "Let's get you ladies settled."

They walked over to the stables. Delta playfully butted heads with Echo and Charlie nosed around a pile of wood and metal, pulling out what looked like an old soccer ball. She happily bit into it and started to chew. It wouldn't last long. He watched them all with a fond expression, calm energy and assertiveness, projecting alpha without really needing to try.

"Time to go inside," he called, making the short, commanding gesture that meant for them to get into the paddock for the night.

They all crowded close, purring, chirping, and he stroked over their noses, then sent them off to get some rest. Blue tilted her head, looking at him.

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