Chapter 1 Error's Going To The Hospital?!

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"Hmph!" Ink said dropping Reaper.
"Eep!" Reaper said when hitting the floor.
"Mr. Goth" Reaper said.
"I'm here sweetie. I'm here" Goth said picking Reaper up.
"Hush now, no need to cry, you're safe with me" Goth said holding Reaper close while Reaper cried.

'I thought PJ's daycare would be just all cute and adorable but there is so much sadness and drama'

When everyone saw this they all stopped.
"You know what Blue? I think our parents dropped us in the wrong daycare today" Dream said.
"Agreed" (Classic sans...Dark blueberry...Swapfell... I CAN'T TELL!!😱 Btw, i'm watching youtube videos to see the dialogues😂) Replied.

"The daycare i know doesn't think of the worst conclusions" Dream said.

"The daycare i know does not resort to violence to solve they're problems" (Classic Sans...Dark Blueberry...Swapfell Sans.............. I DON'T KNOW!!!!!) Said.

"They've gone through the worst of situations and always ended up victorious! Cause that daycare isn't just full of random kids and caretakers. They were all more like a family!" Dream said.


"Sure they had two helpful stars *Cough* Me and Dream *Cough* (DAMNIT YOU RUINED IT!!! Not really.....😍😍😍😍😍)
But they didn't always resort to them, (omg😂) cause they always had eachother" (Whatever i'll just go with swapfell...) Swapfell Sans said.

"And that's exactly what Mr PJ would have wanted them to do!" Swapfell Sans said.
"To start together and hope for the best for their sick friend!" Dream said cheerfully.
"YEAH!" Everyone screamed in sync.

"You were right about everything, this place is filled with so much love and happiness..." Geno thought to himself.
"You really are like a family, but me? I'm nothing but a heartless monster!" Geno thought to himself again. (No! You're awesome Geno! Your not a monster!🌸)

"Mr. Goth, where's Geno?" Reaper asked.
"I never supported my family. I was never there for my sick brother. And i broke my baby brothers little heart. (sorta... BUT YOU'RE STILL AWESOME!!!)
But you all managed to put a smile on his face" Geno thought to himself.

"You really are the most wonderful people i have ever met! I don't deserve any of you. (NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!😭😭😭😭)
Sorry for everything" Geno thought to himself again. (😭) Geno exited the door.

'Can we see Error and Paper Jam!! Please! And please don't get in an accident!!! Please be careful!!!😭'

"Come on bro, pick up, pick up" (Is it anti virus sans? I am so confused.... I'll just call him... Ugh i'll just call him anti virus.) Anti virus said. PJ picked up.

"Oh thank goodness! PJ, are you alright? Is Error okay?" Anti asked.

"Who cares about me? (hmm, how about EVERYONE!?!? PJ YOU ARE AWESOME 'and super hot...' DON'T SAY THAT ABOUT YOURSELF!!) as for Error. I don't know, they are still checking on him" PJ said.

"Well... Do you want me to come to you... Or something" Anti asked. PJ started shaking a bit and then started crying.
"Y-yes *sniff* *hic* p-please, i need you brother" PJ said.
"I'm coming bro!" Anti replied.

"Bluescreen! (OH THAT'S HIS NAME!! i'm stupid😕) Please tell me tell me everything's alright" (Grayscreen?) asked.
"I don't know much, all i know is that my bro needs me" Bluescreen said.

"Maybe i should go with you" (Grayscreen?) said.
"NO! Palette and Goth need you with the kids" Bluescreen said holding (Grayscreens?) cheekbones.

Pj's daycareHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin