Chapter 8

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Zoe Pov:

I felt dirty. What was going thorough that mans head when he thought doing something like that would be appropriate. I felt like I'd betrayed Alfie, even though it wasn't my fault. Trying my best to comprehend what had just happened, I sat in the corner crying. I was only in my underwear, nobody should see me like this, well except Alfie. Why did Alfie's name have to keep popping up? I was trying to forget about him.

The only reason that awful dick had stopped and left me was because someone was at the door. Whoever it is there, I hope they're okay, he wasn't very happy when our "session" was interrupted. Some people really do ruin this world.

Then a thought hit me. He'd left the door unlocked. I quickly grabbed my clothes and threw them on. whoever was up there, would they be able to help me? I hoped so.

I charged up the stairs but just before I opened the door, I hesitated. Was I ready to come face to face with whoever this man was? I took a deep breath in, looked down at my shaking hand and opened the door.

There was a cry for help as I stared down at what I had just caused.

My life was over.

Alfie Pov:

This man had Zoe. I didn't care that I had no proof. I didn't care about the consequences.

"Where is she?" Joe stuttered. I was so proud of Joe. He was normally the one to buckle out of this situation. Instead, I was the failure.

"Go away now, or I'll call the police for harassment and false accusations,"

"Not until you tell me where my sister is," Joe carried on, his voice getting stronger with every word.

"I know you kids want a happy ever after but life doesn't work that way, you want Zoe, well guess what, so do I!"

This was getting way to much.

"Mate," I started, "What would your parents do if they found out you kidnapped a woman and kept her in your room?" I tried to stay calm. I wasn't as strong as Joe though.

He pulled out a gun. Just at that moment the door opened. It was Zoe, she looked unhealthy terrified but still beautiful. The gun shot.

It went black.

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