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7 months later.

Jaidens p.o.v

I lay on the couch watching tv with my stomach bulging.

I hear my phone ring, I struggle to reach but finally get it. I see it's Nick. "Hello?"

"Jaiden! Harley.!" He breathes out.

"Nick is Harley having the baby?!" 

"Yeah-huh." He pants and I sit up.

"We'll be right there!" I hang up and call for Parker.

"Parker!" I hear footsteps and Parker burst into the room

"What's wrong?!"

"Harley's in labor, lets go!" He quickly grabs his keys and we were on our way to the hospital.


When we got there they didn't let us into the room.

I bounce my leg nervously and rub my stomach.

Me see Nick emerge from the room they were in. We both stand up and he comes over and waves to us to follow him .

We enter the room and I see Harley holding a baby with a pink blanket, "awe it's a girl!" I squeal reaching for my technically new niece.

I bounce her in my arms, "what's her name?"

"Isabella Davis." She smiles, "Izzy for short."

Awe, I wave to her and play with her hands then I look down at my belly.

I can't wait till my baby comes.


(About 1 month later)

Harley and her new baby are doing great, yet mine won't come.

I open the fridge to get ice tea, suddenly something liquid falls to the floor.

"I think you spilled some ice tea." Parker says reaching for a towel, pain forms in me and  on my face.

"No parker!" I screech and he gives me a confused look.

"My water just broke." I state, Parker face turns to horror.

He runs upstairs grabs the bag and his car keys and carefully helps me into the car.


I scream at the contraction as Parker ends the call with Harley.

The doctor comes in and prepares.

"Ok Jaiden, I'm going to need you to give me a big push." He instructs putting on gloves.

I scream at the top of my lungs.

I push more as he says.

"Ok one last big push should do it." The doctor says.

I push the hardest I can and I hear a little cry. A smile grows on my face as I throw my head back.

Everyone starts rushing around. "What's wrong?" I ask trying to get up. But a nurse holds me down.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to stay here. There have been some complications."

My heart shatters, I start crying into Parker.

"My baby!" I see them put the baby's head under an oxygen mask.

I close my eyes and cry, hoping that my baby's ok.


It's been an hour since they took my baby, I don't even know the gender yet.

I hear the door open and I jolt up.

"Mr. and Mrs. fine, I would like..." he grabs something, I see my baby in his hands, tears form in my eyes of happiness. "To introduce you to your new baby boy."

He hands me our boy and tears roll down my face.

"What are we gonna name him honey?" Parker whispers, I look at him for a second.

"Keith." I simply say.

Parker repeats me. "Keith fine"

"Keith Corey fine."

"I love it." He whispers, I kiss him.

"Now let me see my boy." Parker says reaching for him I hand him to him and watch him play with him cutely.

I take out my phone and snap a picture, I post it on instagram saying: "welcome Keith! 2 cutest boys💟☺️"

I immediately get tons of comments and Harley comes in with Izzy, "he's so cute!" She squeals laying izzy in my arm and taking a picture of them. I get tagged in a comment "best friends forever! @jaifine"

I smile, the baby's play with each others fingers. Giggling at each other.

I hope they'll become best friends.

This was the last bonus chapter, next chap will just be explaining the future, until I write the sequel.

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