|Halloween| Peter Parker X Reader

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"You what!?" He shouted you flinched. Bucky placed an assertive hand on his forearm. "Steve calm down." He said. "That could ruin the Avengers (Y/N)! Plus why write porn as a short story!" He freaked. You laughed at how unbelievably gullible he was.

"I'm kidding Steve, it's about your long-lasting friendship, jeez." You chuckled. He sighed, calmed down, then flinched and blushed at how he just embarrassed himself. He muttered a 'sorry' and sat back down, receiving a stroking motion on his back from Bucky.

You smiled and walked down the bedroom halls, passing by Loki who just exited his own. "Hello, (Y/N)." He greeted, smiling politely. "Hey Loki, how are you doing?" You asked, opening the door to your room. "I'm doing fine and yourself?" He replied, holding a book in his hand. "I'm doing great." You finished, walking in your room to put away your stuff. "I'll see you around." He said, teleporting somewhere. You were about to close your door, but a foot stopped it.

"(Y/N)!" Peter shouted from the other side. "Peter?" You called out. He pushed open the door and stood with a coy smile. "Yeah, it's me, uh, I wanted to talk to you about something." He grinned, scratching the back of his head. "Oh? What is it?" You asked, slipping on a hoodie that was laying on your bed.

"It's about Halloween." He smiled. You just froze and lifted a brow. "Uhhhhh Peter? Halloween is in like more than a month." You said. "I know, but I wait for Halloween like three hundred and sixty-five days a year." He said excitedly. "Haha okay, so what did you want to tell me?" You sat on your bed.

"I want to go Halloween shopping with you! We could go as a pair." He suggested. You smiled.

"Yeah! That'd be great, but who would we be going as?" You cocked your head to the side.

"I was thinking maybe Joker and Harley?" He lifted a brow. You burst out laughing. "Peter! Haha! Everyone is going as them, it's not original! I could not even tell who is who!" He nodded, Suicide Squad was really big.

"Maybe thing one and thing two?" You asked. "Nahh that's overdone."

"Ciel and Sebastian?" He asked. "Hell nah! Cosplay is expensive!" You giggled.

"Okay, uhhh, maybe Mario and Luigi?" You said. "That's an option..." he tapped his chin.

"How about.... drag queen and king!!" He shot up enthusiastically. "Yasssssss!" You chimed. "Yasssssss!" He copied. 

Both of you went down to the nearest thrift store, outfits all planned out in your heads. Peter was going for a classy Cruella Devill look, and you were going for the gentlemen steampunk vibe. He was pretty excited to wear heels, which was very odd but you just shrugged it off. 

The outside of Leger's Unwanted Goods was brick walls with Christmas lights scattered across the roof. "This place seems sketchy," Peter said. "The sketchier the better means no one goes there." You reassure and you both pushed open the door. 

Bell chimes rang as you entered, being greeted by an elderly woman with full cheeks and a sweet smile. Both of you took off to look in the aisles, giggling like children. How more cliche could it have gotten? The song; Girls Just Want to Have Fun was playing, probably because that woman was still stuck in the previous decades. 

Your eyes scanned the hangers, looking for the brightest topcoat you could find. You landed on a neon orange one that practically screamed 'Buy me'. You took it and put it into your little basket that was offered at the door. 

You search for antique watches and find a pocket watch with a chain, how perfect. You found some holographic boots and picked those up. You scanned a few more aisles grabbing some black pants to bring some order into the outfit. 

Then your eyes stopped at a purple top hat. You smiled with glee, taking it and examining your newest treasure. After twenty minutes you had found all the accessories you wanted and was all set to go, so you go find Peter. 

He was in the dress aisles, looking at a black sparkly cocktail dress. You just chuckled and clapped slowly, his head whipped towards you as he smiled. "I like this one." He said cheekily. "I like that one too." You grinned. 

"I'm looking for a fur coat though, like fake obviously." He said placing the dress into his basket. "That'll match." You replied. "Oh yeah, and some platform heels." He said giddily. "You know Peter, heels aren't that comfortable." You cringed. "Awh whatever, I'm a superhero nothing can hurt me." He said proudly. 

You just muttered an 'okay' and rolled your eyes. After he had collected everything he needed, you both bought the things at the cash. The woman smiled and thanked you both, wishing you a nice day. 

"Let's go to Mac, I need makeup." He said a bit too relaxed. "Okay? But you know, Mac isn't that cheap." You concluded. "I have Starks credit card, I think I'm okay." He said. 

You both enter the store, being greeted by several workers. They offered some help but you waved them off, they just wanted you to buy the most expensive products. You found a matching foundation, some sparkly eye shadow, and thick eyeliner. Peter was decided that he wanted to buy his lipsticks from Jeffree Star. 

You walked back to Stark towers, being greeted by agents and familiar faces. You sighed in relaxation, home. 

 The elevator brought both of you up to the main floor where all of the Avengers were chilling out. "Hey guys!" Tony greeted from the bar. "Hey tony!" You both shouted back. "Where have you been?" Steve asked. "Halloween shopping." Peter grinned. "Oh cool, what are you guys going to be?" Clint asked. "DRAG QUEEN AND KING!" Peter shouted. 

Tony spit out his scotch, Steve was shocked, Natasha kept a stoic face and the rest were just flabbergasted. 

Welp... it's just a costume, right?

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