Previous sessions in the recording studio together had ended in sex, sex and more sex.

Maybe that was just because we were young and horny but given the chance, I'd fuck him right now if I could.

Stop Luke. That's not the kind of thing to be going through your head right now.

I shook my head quickly and pressed a smile into my lips, leading him to the studio where I worked. It was empty when we went in, so I loaded up the computers and software, drumming on the table as he swivelled in his chair.

"Do you have any clothes?" I asked out of the blue, hoping to ease the tension in the room.

"Nope. Just the ones I'm wearing right now."

"Then... underwear?"

He held back a smirk, instead clearing his throat. "I have a few pairs, yes."

This made me blush a little and I nodded. "O-okay. Well, tomorrow I can take you shopping, get you some clean clothes."

"Can't I just borrow yours?"

A fond memory then appeared in my mind, making me smile uncontrollably.

"Hey, anyone seen my toucan underwear?" Cal shouts. Mikey, Ash and I all give each other looks as we sit in the games room on the bus, pretending not to know anything when Cal finally enters, half-naked, with his flannel shirt only just about covering his length.

"Nope," Ashton says, having to cover his mouth with a sleeve in order to laugh inaudibly.

Cal looks at Michael. "Don't ask me, ask Luke!"

I freeze, dropping the controller into my lap. Friends aren't supposed to call each other out!

Cal approaches slowly, before pouncing on me and wrestling me to the carpeted floor, our grunts covered up by agonised laughs and giggles as we tickle each other's sides. "Stop! S-stop Cal!" I screech, choking on my own saliva.

"Not... till... I... get... these... underwear off!"

He suddenly yanks my jeans down along with the coveted boxer briefs, exposing my boner to the cold conditioned air in the bus. He finally stops, about to leave when he catches sight of my hard-on. This makes him smirk so obviously that we both know what's gonna happen next.

"Hey um, guys?" he says to the other two. "Stay in here for a while, yeah?"

I take his hand and we ignore their disgusted expressions as we leave the back room and climb into his bunk where it's warmer.

"You've got a little problem down there, I see."

"Glad you noticed," I reply, biting down on my lip. "Wanna help me?"

He doesn't need to answer because he's already in position, holding up my dick from the base with his large hand as his tongue licks the tip. I groan, rolling my eyes back and dropping my head against his pillow which, surprise, smells just like him.

I run a hand through his warm mass of hair, bringing him closer so I can reach down to his back which is so soft I could actually fall asleep on it. He begins to push my length a bit deeper and I take this opportunity to thrust down his throat, intentionally making him gag a little.

It's not long before I'm close to reaching my climax and he picks up a speed too, making the ultimate pinnacle one of great pleasure. I take a few moments for my high to get back to normal levels, opening my eyes slightly to see him swallow my cum and wipe off remnants that appear to look like drool dripping down his chin. It feels as though I can go for round two right there and then, but all of a sudden the curtain is pulled back and we look down at Niall and Liam who have the biggest grins on their faces.

"What are you thinking about?" Calum asked, nudging my arm. I snapped out of it, sniffing and blinking a couple times to bring myself back to reality.

Unfortunately, one thing that didn't manage to stay in the daydream was my 'little problem'. I groaned quietly and took the jacket from the back of my chair, placing it over my lap in hope that Calum wouldn't notice. And that was just the first hurdle – I also had to hide the fact that it was aching like hell but that was way easier than admitting to Calum that me thinking of a blowjob he'd once given me had turned me on.

"I don't have an issue with you borrowing mine, but surely you need some clothes for yourself? I'm getting paid today anyway, so please, just let me treat you."

"Thanks," he said with a smile, making me gulp as the boner grew.

I was taken out of my agony when Mason, Steve, Jackson and Dev came bounding in, the rowdy teens that they were.

"Ah, boys – this is Calum. He's here for a couple months and you'll be seeing a lot of him in the weeks to come," I introduced, standing up and pointing at him. "Well, aren't you going to welcome him?"

The four shuffled about awkwardly and mumbled a few 'hi's and 'hey's. I was about to tell them off, but Calum placed his warm hand on my forearm and told me it was okay. Well, I couldn't argue with him over that.

"Okay – today we're recording 'Bright Lights'. Steve – come do your guitar first. We'll do you and Dev today, and maybe Jackson if we've got time."

Calum watched us and gave comments from time to time, sharing his experience and knowledge. But I could tell that he was rusty, that he hadn't been doing this for a while – it was all in his expression. He used to be so confident about his own work, yet now he was nervous and unsure about what to say.

Just what had happened in the ten years that he was away?

When we finished and were about to head home, he stopped me on the way out and said, "By the way Luke. I noticed your boner earlier. Next time, just let it out, yeah?"



Can't wait to keep writing I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS 😭

Do any of you guys sing? I am almost tone-deaf so whilst I certainly enjoy listening to music, I can hardly open my mouth with a tuneful melody lmao. Concert recordings are the worst XD

Vote+comment for virtual 5sos concert recordings

Kimmy xx

Runaway [cake au] ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat