Chapter 4:Dani's Worry & Danger

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I feel like Lauren is misunderstanding me. I wish she told me what was going on. Now of course I have to locate her. The last 3 notes were true, and the 4th one said I'm going to die. Praying this one is not true.

It was now 2 AM and I needed to get home! Suddenly the sky got darker than normal. I feel like now I'm in big trouble.

Then Lauren appeared and came to me saying, 'It's over.' Over? What? Lauren yelled, 'You are not replacing Christina as leader!' I said, 'WHOA! WHOA! CALM DOWN! I said I would fill in for her until she recovers, I didn't say takeover permanently! God, you are so misunderstanding!' Lauren then said, 'Okay well I think I should leave the band then. We can't co-exist anymore.' I then added, 'Don't even think about it. Yes I been hostile towards you but that's because I was upset that I thought you stole my ex-boyfriend. Now you're just a bit over the top! No wait, YOU ARE OVER THE TOP!' Lauren pouted and fled quickly. I said, 'Get your butt back here!' I raced after her.

If you couldn't tell, I was not happy with what was going on. Suddenly I tripped and fell hard, breaking my leg, in the middle of the road. I was in so much pain and Lauren kept running. Fine! Some friend you are! I tried standing up but I collapsed again. Thankfully an ambulance was passing by and the driver saw me lying on the ground and said, 'Need help?' I said, 'Yes.' He helped me up and hopped me in the stretcher. He said, 'How did you hurt your leg?' I said, 'It suddenly snapped while running to catch Lauren. I saw this note that said I was going to die.' The driver said, 'OMG, the cursed notes. I heard she has been writing them for years. She's wanted you dead for 5 years.' I said, 'WHAT?! 5 YEARS?!' He said, 'I'm her ex-boyfriend and your ex as well. I can't just see you hurt like this. She has to pay.' So Lauren lied to me. She DID HAVE A BOYFRIEND! SHE DID STEAL MY BOY! UGH I AM GOING TO HAVE A WORD WITH HER WHEN I SEE HER FACE AGAIN! He said, 'Rushing you to the hospital right now.' I nodded and we were off. It was now 3 AM by the time we arrived. I quickly called mom saying, 'Mom, wake the family. I'm in the hospital. Sorry if it's so late at night, but we have an emergency.' My mom feeling annoyed saying, 'Okay Dani' and she got to waking everyone up. Christina the most annoyed saying, 'Dude I'm very sick. What is this about?' Mom yelled, 'Dani is in the hospital.' She said, 'OMFG! Hurry to the car.'

Lauren's POV:Nobody understands me. Well maybe only Dani doesn't understand me. And now I apparently got her injured. I'm responsible for breaking her leg indirectly. Oh well, too bad. I headed off.

Then a voice said, 'Lauren, you are a loser.' I said, 'I AM NOT' it repeated, 'You injured your sister. It's unforgivable.' I heard that voice growing louder and I fumbled to the ground.



I used to be so close with Dani, then this mess happened.


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