Chat 18

535 24 8

Ladyblogger, FashionMari, Adrienpuns, DJcool and Miraculouslover has joined the chat


Ladyblogger: um what.

FashionMari: what on earth.

Miraculouslover: sorry just reading a fanfic and the characters are just really blind.

Adrienpuns: that's good to know.

Miraculouslover: tell me about it. I am seriously bored.

DJcool: well when I bored I just listen to music.

Ladyblogger: that what you always do Nino.

DJcool: true.

Miraculouslover: I also listen to music when I'm bored and I'm doing that right now.

FashionMari: I mostly design when I bored, mostly because I'm always doing something.

Miraculouslover: I wish I could work on one of my deigns but I don't have the fabric.

FashionMari: what type are you making.

Miraculouslover: a Ladybug design, and I think you would like it as your Ladybug.

Ladyblogger: wait you know about them.

Miraculouslover: um yes. I've know since this all started.

Adrienpuns: wait do you know where my mum is then.

Miraculouslover: sorry Adrien if I knew I would tell you but somethings have to be kept a secret.

Ladyblogger: Aww tell us.

Miraculouslover: sorry Alya that's for me to know and you to find out.

DJcool: yeah Alya.

Ladyblogger: what you on her side Nino.

DJcool: yeah. Not being mean but you can be a bit nosey sometimes.

Ladyblogger has left the chat.

Adrienpuns: Nino you better run.

DJcool: I'm already two steps ahead of you dude.

DJcool has left the chat.

FashionMari: what now.

Miraculouslover: I don't know. I should probably go and work on my Hicstrid book.

Adrienpuns: wait you ship Hicstrid it too.

FashionMari: oh no here we go again.

Miraculouslover: hell yes it awesome.

Adrienpuns: same here, got any other ships.

FashionMari has left the chat

Miraculouslover: yes. Ash and Scena from Pokemon and Ceil and Sebastian from Black Butler.

Adrienpuns: wait a bxb one.

Miraculouslover: yes it's awesome you should check it out.

Adrienpuns: will do.

Adrienpuns has left the chat

Miraculouslover: Mari.

Miraculouslover: oh she left oh well.

Miraculouslover: somebody shine a light, I'm frozen by the fear in me, somebody make me feel alive and shatter me

Miraculouslover has left the chat

Hey everyone. I am literally do what I said in the book. Listening to music and writing my Hicstrid book. Till then

LadyNoir out

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