Chat 1

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Ladyblogger has added DJcool, FashionMari and Adrienpuns to the chat

FashionMari: Alya what is this all about?

Ladyblogger: I wanted to create a group chat between us.

DJcool: nice dudette.

Adrienpuns: I thinks it pretty cool Alya.

Ladyblogger: Thanks dudes

FashionMair: anything new on the LadyBlog Alya.

Ladyblogger: Nothing. I also can't thank you enough for that interview with Ladybug.

Adrienpuns: wait you got her a interview with Ladybug.

FashionMari: Umm yeah.

DJcool: how did you do that?

FashionMari: I asked her as she comes to my parents bakery sometime. I usually tell her about a certain cat the keeps visiting me.

Ladyblogger: do you think you can asked him to give me an interview.

FashionMari: Sure. The cat will always come for our good.

DJcool: guys Akuma attack.

FashionMari: Gotta go

FashionMari has left the chat

Adrienpuns: same here.

Adrienpuns has left the chat

DJcool: well that just happened.

Ladyblogger I gotta go record this.

Ladyblogger has left the chat

DJcool. I'm all alone now. 😢😢

DJcool has left the chat

Hey everyone. I love reading these chats and it just makes me want to do one of my own. Tell me what you think

LadyNoir out

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