Ch. 2 "Feeling Like a Newbie"

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   Almost halfway through class the paper on my desk is covered in little doodles, i caught the gist of the lesson then zoned out. "Well then lets see an example..." I hear Stein say. His voice sends chills down my spine, like he might be volunteering someone to give up their kidney or somthing. He glances around the room, no one seems to want to go so i try to not stick out to much and at least act like i paid attention. 'please dont pick me!!' i think, looking as attentive as possible. Stein smiles, "No volunteers huh...well i guess i'll have to find some." he says, a wicked glint in his eyes. He scans the room then immediately looks at me and Char. We both freeze, knowing this isnt good. "Char, Nigami..Would you please come down here and demonstrate." he asks, more in a demanding tone. Char nods and pulls me out of my seat, looking nervous. We slowly descend the stairs and right as we step off the last stair the bell rings for dissmissal. I sigh in releif, 'Saved by the bell!' i think, smiling. I quickly run back up the stairs and get my stuff, char does the same. While he's getting his stuff i wait by the door. A few minuits later Char runs over, " whats next?" i ask. I notice Stein looking our way and i shiver. "I guess we can go check the bullitan board and see if we have any assignments." he says with a shrug. I nod and we both walk out in the hallway, with each step getting farther away from that creepy teacher.

   We both glance up at the board, i hadnt been thinking that we'd have an assignment on the first day but it turns out we did. "What?!" I yell annoyed. Char reads over the slip of paper carefully, taking his time. He sighs and looks at his watch then me, "Lets go...this one seems easy enough." he says smiling. Char sticks his hands in his pockets and slowly walks down the hallway, he stops a little later and looks back at me from over his shoulder. "You coming or not?" he asks, grinning. "Whatever, lets get this over with." i say and run towards him.

   As we walk down the long steps infront of the school Char gives me all the known info on our assignment. "He should show up around the same area he has been, he seems to like it there." he says. I sigh, "We can drop our stuff off at my place, it's not far from where we're headed anyway." i say, shifting the bag of books on my shoulder. He notices that it's slowing me down and nods. We turn off on one road and i start to lead him towards my place. We walk side by side and he seems slightly nervous as we get closer to our destination. "So is this your first time out on a mission like this?" i ask him, trying to break the silence that had swept over us after i mentioned droping our stuff off. He doesn't reply, so i smile. "I'll take that as a yes. Don't worry i've done this alot back in my home town. It's not that hard." i say, hoping to cheer him up. He smiles, "Thanks..knowing one of us has experiance in this is a good thing." he says.

   I stop and turn off towards a door way, but he doesnt notice so i have to turn and grab him by the arm. Pulling him behind me i walk up to the door and reach into my bag with my free hand. I rummage through the bag till i find the key and quickly open the door. We walk inside and i flick on the lights. It's a small little hall with several doors leading off from it. I walk off into one of the ajointed rooms, the living room, and put my stuff down. Char follows and sets his back pack down. " we're ready to go kick some butt!" i say enthusiastically.


   Artos grins as he points out a slip of paper on the board. We had ran over here right when class ended so we could get a head start on the possibility of an assignment. I walk closer and quickly read over the assignment, once im done i turn towards my partner. "We can do this." he says after i explain our opponent.  We both take off, anxious about showing what we can do for the first time.

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