xiii. the black piece recipe

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this is the longest chapter in the book so far lmao. prepare urselves (didn't want to put notes at the end)

Their plan was as intricate as their adolescent brains would allow them to create it.

Sleep was nowhere to be found in the six children's bedroom. All night their brains, their hands and their eyes worked to devise their stratagem. They had poured it onto a two page spread inside of Maya's journal, with a fake title set to fool anyone who decided to read it.


We begin at night, after we all have been sent to bed.

Riley will wander into the hallway, and ask Caldwell to lead her to the bathroom. This will be a distraction for the rest of us to cross the hall and hide inside the third bedroom on the left. In the process she will slip Caldwell's gun out of his pocket, conceal it, and slide it into the bedroom we are hiding in. She will retreat back to and stay in our bedroom until we come back for her. We will come back for her.

The rest of us will then head towards the staircase, by following Maya's map, with our new weapon. We don't know what lies up there, but we do know that Mr. W. does not live on the first floor.

We find Mr. W. We apprehend him. We put him in a position in which he has only two options- do what we say, or reveal his identity.

That morning they had carried on as they had the day before. Caldwell knocked upon their door at the unknown time he had every morning so far, and Riley had invited him inside. Mr. Isthmus did not meet with them for breakfast, which relaxed their nerves noticeably. Once they had been sent to the rec. room for the day, they were all almost positive that their plan would succeed smoothly. After all, they had been there for two days-

They were getting comfortable.

Bad idea.

Midnight rolled around all but too soon, as they had requested for Caldwell to tell them the time. None of the children would admit it- but they were terrified. You can't blame them. They were only freshman, plotting an escape plan that would determine their fate. Once again they found themselves gathered in the center of their room, discussing their strategy one last time before they sprung into action.

"Riley, remember- if he sees you trying to get the gun from him, play dumb. If he catches you once you already have it, just run back to the room. Right?"


"The rest of us- is everyone ready? Farkle, do you have the map?" The group nodded their head yes simultaneously while Farkle pulled the folded piece of paper out of his pocket. Maya breathed deeply, none of the air really reaching her lungs.

Tonight, we're all getting out of this hellhole.

"Alright, then. Riley, are you ready?" The younger brunette girl nodded hesitantly and took a deep breath, standing up slowly.

"Don't worry, Riley. Everything will be fine, you can do it!" Farkle whispered, plastering a fake smile to his face. It wasn't that they didn't believe Riley could do the job, but they couldn't help but be worried. Riley grinned slightly, seemingly encouraged by the smart boy's statement. As she reached the door, it croaked open slowly- until it was closed once again.

Come back, honey. Come back.

The remaining five alerted quickly, lacing up their shoes and reviewing the map, embedding their route into their brains. By that point, they could've escaped the dollhouse in their sleep. Maya looked towards the rest of the group expectantly, her heart beating a mile a minute.

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