Man-Made Global Warming

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Many people believe that man-made global warming is a hoax perpetuated by governments and businesses to make money and gain more control over people. By branding global warming as created by human actions governments are able to use global warming as a front to bring in policies that would otherwise be unfit to be brought in. Corporations are also able to use global warming as a reason for implementing and selling new types of products.

People are split as to whether global warming is something that is completely false, or rather that global warming isn't man-made. Many people claim that the earth's temperature is controlled primarily by the sun and that humans don't have any effect on that actual temperature of the earth. The earth has been around for billions of years before humans and will be around for billions of years after humans. People also point to the warming of other planets such as Mars and Jupiter as evidence of global warming being a result of the sun and not humans.

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