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Hey guys! First of all, Welcome to Nisekoi: Realize, my Nisekoi fanfiction and I'd like to thank your sweet sweet sweet hearts for taking time to read this, I really appreciate it, but before we get started on the story, I have to set some things straight first, okay?

1. I own absolutely nothing except for the plot and Takeshi Aiba (you'll find out who he is soon). The rest belong to its creator. I'm really too lazy to keep putting disclaimers on every single chapter, so this disclaimer is for the overall story. Is that okay? If not, then I guess I can still put a quick one on every chapter so everyone's cool. Comment what you think I should do.

2. I'm a huge member of #TeamChitoge, so you can probably tell that this is gonna be leaning towards that ship. No offense to the other Teams, I know that there are some shippers that don't really hate on the others and respect their opinions and choices, but for those who are and for those who do and all you're gonna do is hate on this and ruin everyone's time while reading, then I suggest you press 'back' and forget you even found this story. Because here's a question, why would you even waste time reading something that you "hate"? So yeah, just wanna get that clear.

3. This is a fanfiction, meaning that not everything is gonna be the same. Some characters may be OOC, and a few changes are gonna be made to fit the story. Because, this is just my opinion, feel free to comment yours, but I think the sole purpose us fans make these kinds of things is to express our ideas and want to get them out, or to create our little version, and to just you know, make a contribution to the fandom and make something our fellow fans may possibly enjoy.

So that's all I wanted to say, and if you agree to the terms(?) (I don't even know any more) then please feel free to go ahead and get started on the story.

Thank you for choosing to read Realize :)


Realize (A Nisekoi fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora