"Franc what's wrong?  Do you want to go downstairs again?  You can leave me here you know, I don't need a babysitter."

Just as Amorette finished speaking Franc launched himself out of his seat and fell at her feet.  An incredulous frown grew on Amorette's face as she realised that he hadn't meant to be sprawled at her feet.  In fact, he had intended to land resting on one knee.  Amorette quickly stood up out of her seat as Franc's hands attempted to clasp her own.  Amorette let her book slip out of her hands before pushing her chair backwards with the back of her legs.  "Oh goodness Franc please don't!"

He stared up at her imploringly.  "Why not?  Doesn't it make logical sense to you Mademoiselle?"

"No!" Amorette blurted out.  She mentally slapped herself for sounding ungrateful and tried to compose herself enough to give Franc the refusal that he deserved.  "That sounded awful but what I mean is that we aren't compatible Franc in any way; politically, religiously or romantically."

"Our parents think it a good match Amorette!"  Franc seemed to think better of staying on bended knee and stood so that he was towering over her as everyone did.

"Of course they do because on paper we are a good match."  Amorette ran her hands through her hair as she tried to figure out what she wanted to say.  "Look, sit down and let me explain what I mean."  Franc hesitantly returned to his seat but still looked apprehensive.   "No doubt my fortune and connections make me a very good match in your parents eyes Franc and they probably think a sweetheart like you is a good match for me.  But when you really think about it, we would be shackling ourselves together only to fight each other.  I know I'd be required to overhaul my political and religious views if we were to marry and I can't do that Franc.  I know you understand that and that you wouldn't want to make me do it but it would be required of me.  That's not who I am."

Amorette didn't know what to make of Franc's apparent shock.  Had he really expected her to accept his proposal?  "Amorette is there someone else?  Has someone else romantic intentions towards you?  If they do, I'd have you tell me."

Amorette shook her head sadly.  Whilst it was true that she did harbour deep feelings for Athos, those feelings were not reciprocated.  Athos had no romantic intentions towards her at all and never would have.  "There's no one Franc," she replied.  "Please understand that I am incredibly flattered that you would choose to ask me and I do appreciate what it has taken for you to do so..."

"But it's just not enough is it?" Franc sighed and ran his hands through his blond hair.  He shook his head, defeat clear on his features.  He moved to walk past her with his head down but he stopped and touched her shoulder gently.  "I won't say I'm okay about this.  In fact I'm sorely disappointed and my parents will be too.  Give me some time to come to terms with it.  I had felt sure that you would accept Mademoiselle.  You should also know that your father encouraged the match too.  In fact, I think it was he who first sewed the seed of thought in my head."

With that, Franc was gone from the room and Amorette sank back into her chair with her shaking hand over her mouth.  The library was always such a haven for her but now it would always be tainted with the memory of what had just passed.  She hoped she hadn't ruined the friendship forever, but in her heart she knew that she could never have accepted Franc's proposal.

That memory was always a painful one for Amorette.  She'd woken not long after she had fallen asleep in Constance's spare room and she lay on her side, staring at the wall.  Amorette had always felt bad about refusing Franc because she knew she had hurt him, but she would have done it over and over again.  It was the right thing to do, or so she kept telling herself.  She rolled over onto her other side and her gentle breaths almost stopped.  There staring back into her own eyes were cobalt blue ones.  Athos sat in a chair by the window, his silhouette illuminated by the moonlight.

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