i - Fun is always a little fun.

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October 15, 2013 The Psychiatric Hospital.

            "September 21, 2014." Niall whispered, "Lucifer will be free from his cage and decide to murder 7 special people."  . It was like this everyday, but nobody listened to him like they should. It was worthless, because he knew he didn't belong here. Not into a Psychiatric Hospital at least. They think he has mental issues, but it was not like that at all. Niall thinks he's real, just knows he is. Yes, meaning I'm referring to Lucifer. The archangel who rebelled and got cast out of Heaven, only to create the most evil beings. Demons. And everything Niall heard all day was Lucifer's teasing tone as he spoke and annoyed him. He atleast saw him appear every ten minutes, or maybe even fifteen to twenty minutes when was lucky enough.

               It had been like this for days, weeks, months or let's change it into a year. Niall's previous life was full of joy; he had a job, a car, a girlfriend and a houme. But after all that, really bad things started to happen. He felt like he wasn't happy anymore, nor was his girlfriend Becky. Niall lost his job, where all the good came from, his money. The money where he bought his house with, even his car. His food and the electricity he had to pay, and the job was something he didn't want to lose, but it happened anyway. This made his life just a tad more difficult, but it's not that he lived in poverty.

                 "What does that mean, Niall?" The lady with the glasses asked, looking up into his innocent blue ocean, frightened eyes. It took awhile to respond, because Lucifer was humming right next to him, walking around the woman and observing her with a slight smirk. Niall deeply wished she could see Lucifer, even though he knew that she would scream and run away. But still, he wanted the world to know that he wasn't crazy. He wanted them to know he didn't belong into this stupid ass hospital for crazy people. What were they even thinking? Sometimes, Niall just felt like he wanted to scream and tear his hair out of his skull. Yes, he was so mad that he almost felt like he's soon going to punch someone.

                  "Lucifer will try to—wait, erase that for me." Satan laughed, and turned to look at Niall with mischievous eyes, as he bit his lip and lightly tugged at it with his teeth. "Lucifer will end the world." He whispered darkly, Lucifer's eyes glowing red making Niall muscles tense as he sat up straight onto his chair and whimpered at the sight, the sweat rolling from his forehead. He looked down at his feet, and repeated; "It means that Lucifer will end the world. Nobody can stop it, nobody will stand onto earth, everyone will rest in peace. Some will look down, some will look up. Some will go to Hell, some will go to Heaven..."

                  Niall suddenly let out a loud sob, tears rolling from his eyes again but now plenty of them. "You mean, the apocalypse. Niall?" She demanded, her eyebrows furrowing. The blonde grabbed at his ears and screamed as Lucifer laughed his ass off, "It's okay, shh," She coo'ed and tried to shush him but Niall only kept letting out whiny sounds. The lady grabbed her papers and ran out the room, locking the door behind her.

                  "Well, that was funny." Lucifer stated sarcastically, and giggled hysterically. He looked towards the blonde, who's heart was thumping like a hurricane against his chest. Satan could hear every beat of it.

                 "I—I don't see why that's funny." Niall whispered, his eyebrows narrowing towards the devil as he hugged his knees together and burried his chin between them. The slight dark laugh made a shiver run down his spine, and goosebumps raise onto his skin. Lucifer's finger traced the side of the table, as he walked slowly towards the blonde boy, his eyes watching him. Niall could feel them burning his soul, those pair of eyes. He let out a whimper and clutched his eyes closed as Lucifer approached and breathed onto his neck, "I do."

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