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Dear Dan,

Me and Holly got together to talk about what Ross talked about, she didn't want to talk too much about it. She said that they will continue living together. She wasn't wearing her ring. She won't say anything else, that Ross will say when he is ready.

I'm spending a lot of time at the office now. I almost wrote the excuse that I'm working for starbomb, but I guess that dream is dead. In reality, at the office I'm working on my drawing and doing a lot of Game Grumps when Barry is here. Suzy has started to get worried. I can tell she is irritated at me, I barely see her, I even have been sleeping at the office. I'm just trying to keep my mind off the sadness and loneliness by working.

I thought my sadness would just disappear one day, but it seems to be growing. You haven't even been gone that long and I'm already a mess. Most of the time when I'm alone at the office, everyone has gone home, after Barry stayed late to stay with me as long as possible, I just lay down with your favorite controller and cry. It sounds pathetic. It is pathetic. I don't think I've gotten a good nights sleep since you left. I know the others notice how the tiredness under my eyes doesn't go away, how the sadness inside reflects in my eyes. I just don't know how to stop it.

Again, sorry for the tear stains on the paper. I just miss you so fucking much. I never realized how much I've depended on you until you left.

Please come home soon, but also live your dream

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