Your Move, Choose Well

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               If you had to spend the next five years of your life with seven other people, who would you choose? That's what 26 year old, Rachel Jones was being asked, although most people might choose family, or your best friends. Rachel had no such liberties. She had trained for her mission since she was 20, to be a pioneer to a new world. Six years of physical and mental training, to lead the mission to Jupiter. Now she had to choose her crew, seven of them to be exact. Seven people some of which she might know and trust and others whom she might have only briefly met in training.

               Suddenly the realism of five years in uncharted territory settled onto her shoulders. Rachel looked down at the tablet in front of her, loaded with information on possible candidates. Just last week she didn't even now that she would be leading this mission, or even be part of it. She was young grant it, but average compared to most of the others. Slowly she reached down and clicked on the device in front of her, the first file she opened was Alfie Owen's she couldn't help, but to smile at the picture of her roommate, his spikes dirty blond hair and piercing blue eyes, goofy grin and the old grey shirt he wore in the picture. First officer check. That was the easiest role to fill, adding the note in the margin space. Obviously, her choices were going to be looked over and some changed, and certain requirements  had to be met for specific roles, but commander got to choose who they wanted for the first officer.

          Rachel poked the next folder.
Name- Simon Richards
Specialty- science
Age- 28
Recommendations from- Admiral Canton, Commandeer White (Training officer)

The picture showed a man with brown eyes and close-cropped light brown hair and sharp features. Rachel sighed and considered the profile and chewed on her bottom lip. She pulled up the pad of paper that had been on the table and the pen on top of it wrote,

First officer- Alfie Owens                                                                                           
Possible science officer- Simon Richards?

The young commander dropped her pen and rubbed her eyes, the time read  2300, this could wait until morning. Rising up out of the chair and tucking the tablet under her arm, leaving the tiny white room.

At the door to her room, she scanned her card and the door and pushed it open. Inside the small space, there was two beds, twin size, covers thrown on, clothes scattered on the floor along with a table with several plates and other dishes. The screen in the corner was softly playing a movie she didn't recognize. The tiny kitchenette overflowed with random items in need of washing. The bathroom door was closed. On the couch, Alfie was curled into a ball with a blanket. He perked up and offered up a huge grin "Hello, Commander Jones." He said half sarcastically.

"Same to you, First officer  Owens." She smirked as she threw an old t-shirt that had been at her feet, at him. His eyes got big.

"Really? Are you serious! You picked me?"

"Who else would I have picked moron?" She smiled.

Suddenly she was crushed in a hug as Alfie flew off the couch and to where she stood.

"Commander gets to pick her crew right?" She laughed. Drawing back she saw how happy he looked, and suddenly she thought, this would all be worth it. They parted and Rachel when to go forage, for a clean shirt and loose pants. Picking up a shirt that said, High Peak University. Walking to the bathroom she peeled off the black university uniform and slipped into her chosen clothing for the night. Folding her uniform she came back out and plopped it onto the bed. Once again she audibly sighed upon seeing the state of the small kitchen. It could wait tonight, they would relax as in celebration of their new roles. Opening the freezer she fished out a can of ice cream (Comet Trail, there favorite) and scooped out large portions into two bowls and grabbing spoons, before flopping down on the couch with Alfie. He laughed and wiggled closer to Rachel to grab his bowl. He still looked shocked, but incredibly happy about the news he had just received from his best friend. Both turning towards the movie, to enjoy a night of carefree relaxing.

Big Red GiantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora