3: Awake

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~~~Leray POV~~~

I know arms are lifting me, but I don't feel it. I hang there limply a small hand grasps one of mine and another slightly larger, but still small, hand grasps my ankle.

Blackness... blackness is all that I feel and see. It surrounds me with emptiness. Heavy and smothering, yet light and airy.

I'm placed on a bed and a hand is pressed to my forehead. "She's getting a fever."

Then blackness swallows me again.

I don't know how many days I laid in that bed tossing and turning with fever, sometimes pain flaring through me, sometimes dead to the world. And yet I hold on to the frayed thread of life I cling to. The only thing that keeps me from from falling into the black abyss of death that is open below me.

Till one day I wake. Become fully awake, not just open my eyes for a second. I try to sit up, but I'm to weak to.

Instantly I feel strong hands carefully helping me sit up against pillows. I look up at the person. It's Cole. I watch him sit back down in the chair beside my bed. He has on simple jeans, sneakers, and a gray zip up hoody.

I look down at myself. I'm wearing silver pajama pants with forest green pinstripes and the top half of the matching pajama shirt. My torso is swathed in bandages, small patches of blood showing on the cream color.

Cole must see my questions flickering across my face, because he says, "We're in Garmadon and Misako's monastery because despite Xavier's best attempts, the bounty was lost to the shadows. It was Lucy who saved you but I don't know how so you'll have to ask her. you've been out for almost a month." He stands. "I'll go get Lloyd." Then he leaves.

I sit there a bit before I here hurried foot steps. They stop outside the door, then the door opens.

Lloyd stands there one hand on the door knob the other on the door frame, hardly daring to believe I'm alive. I can hardly believe it to.

He comes to my side and I weakly reach out my hand for his. Lloyd takes it in both of his hands, running his thumb over the top of my hand.

"I must look like a mess." I say, my voice fragile and cracking.

"You look better then you have for two weeks." His eyes wet with relief.

"Leray!" I look up and see Lucy hurtling through the door, Xavier at her heels.

They carefully sit on the bed near my feet.

Lucy smiles at me. "The greatest birthday present is seeing you alive." Xavier nods in agreement.

"It's your brirth days?" Lloyd and I ask at the same time.

"In a way, yes." Xavier explains.

"They're both ten now." Lucy adds.

I purse my lips in thought. Lloyd lowers his voice so only I can hear him. "That has something to do with your Spirit Realm, doesn't it?"

I don't reply. Lucy lost her magic, right? Mother Spirit wouldn't... would she?

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