I laugh along with him.

Your PoV

I open the door to the flat and see Joe and Caspar on the sofa watching something on tv. They both turn around as they hear the door close.

"What the fuck (y/n) we've been trying to get hold of you" Caspar says coming up and hugging me

"I know I'm sorry"

"How was dodies?" Joe asked

"It was good" I say nervously.

Caspar steps back and looks at me

"What?" I ask

"Isn't that jacks jacket?" Caspar asks.

Joes head turns around so fast it could have fallen off.

"Yeah it is" I say "He gave it to me when he left the club as I had left mine inside" I see a sigh of relief come from Joe.

"Oh yeah I put your jacket in your room" Joe says turning back to the tv

"Thanks" I say before heading downstairs.

I get into my room and collapse on my bed. I wrap Jacks jacket around me smelling the collar, it smelt just like him. I decided to call Dodie and fill her in on everything that happened. The fact that myself and Jack are now secretly seeing each other will obviously be the main topic.

Jacks PoV

I went back into my room and lay down on my bed smothering my face in one of the pillows, they smelt just like her and I loved it. All of a sudden my phone buzzed and its (y/n). We talk for a little bit before she gets in the shower.

A few days later

Your PoV

It was Thursday and Jack was coming round to film a colab for his channel. We had not stopped talking since I stayed at his and everyday I fell for him more and more. We decide to film the what's in my mouth challenge. We both found 5 things each in my kitchen and started filming. Jack got 3/5 of my items, I was sitting blind folded and he was about to give me the last one I currently had 2 right.

Jacks PoV

I was about to give (y/n) the last item but I decided to play around a bit.

"Okay so be careful" I said

"Oh my god Jack why"

"You have to stay very still because it's alive"

she reached and grabbed my arm. "Oh my god no what is it what are you doing"

I couldn't stop laughing she was so cute.

"Okay you ready?" I ask

"No but yes" she said

I leaned in and kissed her.

"Hmm I don't know can I have another taste" she said

"Oh don't be greedy"

She takes her mask off "you're not going to put that in the video are you?" She asks

"No I've got another item here" I say

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