Chapter 6 - FLASHPOINT: Oliver

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Chapter 6 - FLASHPOINT: Oliver

AN - WARNING, WARNING, WARNING! Here's where we get the AU thing started so don't freak out that it breaks from the last chapter! ;) We will get back to that story after these next 6 FP postings. Again, all of the pieces should come together and make sense but if you're still confused then just send me a message/ leave a comment and we'll chat! The next 3 chapters explore the Alternate Timeline lives of Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle before we get into the action! Info will come out slowly- be patient, my friends!

*Please see Chapter 2 for SPOILER ALERT and DISCLAIMER!!*


A bright light flashed hotly...but for just a single brief moment before there was only darkness once again.



Oliver Queen barely scanned the newspaper headline before tossing it on his desk. He had finished his morning workout and had back-to-back meetings for the remainder of the day. There was also another fundraiser to attend in the evening - wear the suit, smile, and promise to make the city better. It was part of the family business agreement his father had demanded several years prior. Oliver hadn't been in a good place then and he knew his father had saved him. He still hadn't forgiven Robert Queen for the absentee childhood or the lies but the man was his father. Oliver hadn't found a way to forgive himself either though. His mother was still dead and no one had been able to protect her.

Again, his eyes drifted back to the paper as he tried to ignore thoughts of darkness and death that continued to plague him. There were definitely times he felt like he was wearing a mask that couldn't be removed. Determined to leave the past behind, he forced himself to focus on what was in front of him. It was yet another article discussing the presence of the Vigilante in Starling City and even the possibility of a woman in black helping him.

He was still reading it minutes later when his father entered the office without knocking. "You don't believe we have two masked vigilantes trying to save Starling City, do you?"

"I'm not sure how many there are but I don't think they are trying to save us. Is it time for the meeting with Lillian Worth?" Oliver put down the paper and stood up. Regardless of what he wanted, duty came first.

Robert Queen blocked the door and changed the subject back again. "We've got a minute or two. What do you mean they aren't trying to save us? They stopped Merlyn's earthquake machines—"

"After half of the Glades was destroyed and hundreds died." Oliver tried to interrupt.

"Half is better than all. Sometimes sacrifices must be made." Robert looked away briefly and then turned back as he continued proudly. "There's still a lot of work to be done though and soon there will be a Queen as mayor to lead the city."

The men shared a half smile before turning to find their way to the conference room. Oliver's day continued with multiple meetings and conferences until much later in the evening. Even away from the QC office, he was still working.  A quick, hard workout and shower had cleared his head but the words on yet another research project report soon blurred as he tried to make sense of the technical jargon. He was scrubbing a hand over his tired eyes when he heard his office door open. Very few entered his personal office without knocking so he wasn't surprised to see the familiar face of his oldest friend.

"I remember a time when it was clubbing that kept you up late. Now it's paperwork?" Tommy Merlyn teased with a smile and plopped into the visitor chair. He was actually glad to see Oliver remained clean and sober. The darkness of the past years was something both preferred to ignore though so he didn't comment further.

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