Chapter 2

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Dalia pov
Michael and I sat though the thirtieth auditions for the play. I wasn't really into it. I couldn't get Daveed and I's argument last night out of my thoughts.

Daveed came in the door at 3 in the morning. "Where were you?" I asked. "Babe I'm sorry. We went out for drinks after." Daveed said. "You could have told me. I was gonna surprise you with dinner. But now it's cold. And I am not reheating it." I said as I got up and stormed to the bedroom. Daveed grabbed my arm. "Babe, I'm sorry. I should have at least texted you. I'm sorry." He said. "You should have!" I yelled. "Dalia, baby." Daveed picked me up even though I tried fighting back. "Please Daveed put me down." I cried as I rested my head against his chest. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Daveed said. "You better not. And you are sleeping on the couch." I said poking his chest. He let me go, and I went into the bedroom.

I threw him some Pjs and a blanket. I closed the door and climbed into bed.

Flashback over

"What did you think of Jack's audition?" Michael asked. "What?" I asked. "You weren't paying attention, were you? What's going on?" Michael asked. "Daveed and I had a stupid fight last night. I was up late because of it." I said. "Well if you need to get some Zzzs. Go sleep in the office. I'll take care of this." Michael said. "Thank you." I said. I got up and went to the office and made a makeshift bed.

I woke up, in the late after noon. It was seventh period. I started packing up my things and left. I signed out and took the subway to Time Square.

From there I walked to the Rodgers theater. I knocked on the stage door till someone opened it. "What's going on?" Thayne asked. "Looking for Daveed." I said as he let me in. "He's sleeping in His dressing room." Thayne said.

I opened the door to Daveed's dressing room. He was asleep on the couch. I put my purse down and closed the door. I kissed Daveed's cheek. "Los siento." I said. "I'm sorry too." He wrapped his arms around him and I joined him under the covers. He wrapped his arms around me, and I rested  my head on his chest.

"Daveed they need you in hair." Renee said as she opened the door. I sat up. "Oh sorry." She said. I shook Daveed till he woke up. "What?" Daveed asked. "It's time to get up. You have a job to do." I said. Daveed got up and kissed me. I laid back down and went back to sleep.

I woke up at the five minute curtain call. I yawned and stretched. Daveed laughed at me. "What?" I asked. "Your hair is messy." He said. I looked in the mirror and saw my messy bed head. I laughed. I put my hair in a messy bun. "Why is there a black line on my forehead?"I asked. "Lin cAme by and wanted to write Hamilton on your forehead. But I told him no." Daveed said. I laughed. "Classic Lin." I said as I sat back down. "3 minutes Places call." Came over the intercom. Daveed gave me a kiss. ""Break a leg." I said. He smiled. "don't have too much fun back here." Daveed said. "I won't." I said as I took my laptop out of my bag.

Since I had recorded the auditions, and Michael had emailed them to me. I could re watch them. I plugged my headphones In and started watching the videos.

After the show, Daveed and I went and grabbed something to eat for dinner at a deli near the theater. We then caught a subway home.

Laughing the entire way home. When we got home, Daveed broke out a bottle of champagne and the cheesecake we'd brought at the deli. "I can't have too much, I've got work in the morning." I laughed as Daveed handed me a glass. "Then we'll finish the bottle another time." He said. I grabbed some forks for the cheesecake.

I woke up the next morning, and got up. I so badly wanted to crawl back into bed with Daveed, but I had work To do. I walked to the closet and started going through my options.

Two arms wrapped around my waist, "no your staying with me." Daveed said. "But I've got work," I said. "Call in sick," Daveed whispered in me ear, he nibbled on my ear. "I can't I'm sorry." "As the third president of the United States I order you to call in sick." Daveed said. "Yes Mr. president." I laughed. I grabbed my phone and called the school. They allowed me to take a personal day, while Michael covered my classes.

Daveed picked me back up and threw me on the bed. He climbed on top of me and took his shirt off. Despite him sitting on my hips, I sat up and kissed him.


Daveed and I stayed in bed for the rest of the day. Until he had to leave for the theater, I ordered a pizza and watched the videos Michael had sent me of today's auditions.

I put the left over pizza in the fridge and got ready for bed. Daveed got back right before I went to sleep, so I got to kiss him good night.

A/n: sorry I've been neglecting this story. I've been super busy with school and all.
Ps I don't own hamilton or any other musicals mention.

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