Love of the Sea, Tails of Two Princes

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The son of the sea sat on the beach, the waves lapping at his toes, as he awaited for his girlfriend to appear. He sat, and he waited, with his hand in his pocket, as he clenched tightly on the small box in his hand. He was nervous, and wished she would come, but wished she would take longer all the same.

Camp was normal, relationships and monsters, demigods, camp fires, harpies, capture the flag, the usual, yet one disturbance was there, creating havoc through the camp, all unaware, except for Percy.

The disturbance was a boy. He wasn't very old, eleven at the most, but he was devious. A demon in a child's body. He was cute, sweet, and innocent on the outside, waited to earn your trust, then tore you apart from the inside, leaving you only aware of what had happened after he had done it and masked the evidence.

The child's name was Joseph. He was a small, boy, no more than 4'5". He had eyes a crystal blue, and hair a silky smooth light brown. Freckles dotted his cheeks and splashed across his nose. His face was a pale color, yet his cheeks were rosy. His lips were plump and pink, almost pouting. He had the image of an angel that had fallen from heaven, yet he was not so.

Joseph, an odd son of Athena, loved to torment Percy. They had been friends at first, when Percy had saved him from a hellhound. The boy had thrown himself at Percy, clutched to his torso and cried into his shirt, seemingly frightened. The campers had appeared watching the scene of Percy holding and comforting a small child and they were entranced. They had never seen this caring side of Percy, who held and comforted this random child, rocked him and dried his tears. He had whispered words of comfort into the boy's ears, while carrying him over to the infirmary.

Not a day later, the boy was released from the infirmary and Percy had been charged with the task of showing the boy around camp. The boy seemed fascinated with it all,band took it n well. The campers cooed at him at he ran excitedly from place to place, reminding them very much so of when Nico had first arrived at camp.

The boy proved to be a disaster later, however. One night, he had snuck into Percy's cabin and had shaken Percy awake. At the time, Percy was having a nightmare. He was thrashing a bit, screaming silently, but Joseph did not see that. He shook the Sea Prince awake, and Percy attacked. He grabbed Joseph by the throat, and Joseph screamed. Chiron, awoken by the disturbance, crept over there to see what had happened, only to come to that scene-Percy's eyes glazed over as he clutched at the throat of little Joseph. Chiron pried Joseph out of Percy's grip and soothed him, before trying to shake Percy out of his stupor. Percy would not budge. His eyes remained glazed over, his mouth open in a silent scream, his shoulders shaking. A high pitched scream came from the mouth of little Joseph, awakening the campers.

They all hurried over to Percy's cabin, where the scream was located. When they got there, a horrifying sight remained. Joseph, being held tightly by Chiron, his neck bruised, and Percy, sitting straight as a board, staring at the wall, mouth open with no sound coming out, eyes glazed and dark, body shaking uncontrollably.
Assuming Joseph was in danger, they took him out of Chiron's hands and rushed him to the infirmary to get the wounds treated.

The campers did not trust Chiron for a little while, until Chiron swore on the Styx he did not do anything to harm Joseph, and all blame immediately turned to Percy. No one even wondered what Joseph was doing in Percy's cabin, and no one would ever find out.

Percy did not try to prove his innocence, he thought that no one would believe him anyway. Everyone was so entranced by Joseph, that they would forget anything, drop anything, just to be with him.

Joseph, the clever child of Athena, began to weave his way to the top. He made truths sound like lies every once in a while, and when they were proved to be true, people could no longer pick out which ones were truths and which ones were lies. So, people began to think he was purely honest. He made loop holes and found ways to get to people. One night, after Annabeth had come back from a date with Percy, he went up to her and sat in her lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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